MongoidUserstamp adds stamp columns for created by and updated by informations within rails applications. Mongoid requires a ruby version above 1.8, so i've written the gem on the new 1.9 hash syntax.
gem 'mongoid_userstamp'
# Default config
Mongoid::Userstamp.config do |c|
# Default config values
c.user_reader = :current_user
c.user_model = :user
c.created_column = :created_by
c.created_accessor = :creator
c.updated_column = :updated_by
c.updated_accessor = :updater
# Mongoid field aliases can also be set via c.created_alias and c.updated_alias
# (useful when working with minified field names)
# Example model
class Person
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Userstamp
# Create instance
p = Person.create
# Updater ObjectID or nil
# => BSON::ObjectId('4f7c719f476da850ba000039')
# Updater instance or nil
# => <User _id: 4f7c719f476da850ba000039>
# Set updater manually (usually not required)
p.updater = my_user # can be a Mongoid::Document or a BSON::ObjectID
# => sets updated_by to my_user's ObjectID
# Creator ObjectID or nil
# => BSON::ObjectId('4f7c719f476da850ba000039')
# Creator instance or nil
# => <User _id: 4f7c719f476da850ba000039>
# Set creator manually (usually not required)
p.creator = my_user # can be a Mongoid::Document or a BSON::ObjectID
# => sets created_by to my_user._id
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Thomas Boerger Programmierung