Go implementation of the Python ConfigParser class.
This can parse Python-compatible ConfigParser config files, including support for option interpolation.
import (
It's easy to parse a configuration file.
p, err := configparser.NewConfigParserFromFile("example.cfg")
if err != nil {
The ConfigParser implements most of the Python ConfigParser API
v, err := p.Get("section", "option")
err = p.Set("section", "newoption", "value")
s := p.Sections()
The ConfigParser implements interpolation in the same format as the Python implementation.
Given the configuration
dir: testing
something: %(dir)s/whatever
v, err := p.GetInterpolated("testing, something")
It's also possible to override the values to use when interpolating values by providing a Dict to lookup values in.
d := make(configparser.Dict)
d["dir"] = "/a/non/existent/path"
result, err := p.GetInterpolatedWithVars("testing", "something", d)
Will get testing/whatever
as the value