Some simple Goji middleware I've found useful. Find the documentation at
The middleware is arranged in packages based on external dependencies
- base has no external dependencies except Goji
- postgres depends on
- raven depends on
- redis depends on
Just go get the sub-packages you need.
In base:
- Set something in Context for all requests. For example global configuration or a database connection pool
- Error catching and reporting
- Logging ('fraid I don't like the Goji version)
- A very simple GZIP
- Strip a prefix from the url
- Session middleware.
In postgres:
- A postgres based session store for the base session middleware
In raven:
- Catch panics, log them, send responses and report them to Sentry
In redis:
- Ensure there's a redis connection in c.Env["redis"]. Connections come from a pool and are not opened until used.
- A Redis based rate limiter that issues a single command to Redis per request.
- A Redis based session store for the base session middleware
Pull requests are more than welcome!