This script can be used to migrate MoinMoin wiki pages to Markdown (pandoc supported)
Based on the moni2confluence project by SJ Botha, this largely removes the confluence import step :)
# On Debian/Ubuntu or other apt-based distro run these commands to install pandoc to convert between document formats
sudo apt install pandoc
./ <PageName> <wiki root> <output dir>
./ Certificates /data/webs/DVTech outputdir
The wiki root directory should be the one that contains the data directory
You can invoke this bash script to call the script for each page:
for PAGE in `ls /webs/wiki/data/pages`; do echo $PAGE; ~/moin2markdown/ "$PAGE" /webs/wiki/ output/; done
- MoinMoin syntax is pretty close to mediawiki syntax so we convert to that first
- We use pandoc to convert from mediawiki to markdown
Used the code in here to see how to extract a moinmoin page source code:
Forked and modified this confluence lua script to get from markdown to Confluence: