Thermohl is a python package allowing the computation of the temperature in overhead conductors for given transit intensity and environment parameters, or to compute the maximum possible transit intensity given a maximum temperature and environment parameters. A collection of models based on the Energy Balance Principle are available.
Three different solvers are available in the package:
- computation of the steady-state temperature;
- computation of the transient temperature;
- computation of the maximum possible steady-state transit intensity.
All solvers are based on the Energy Balance Principle, where the various power terms are calculated from one of four available models: a CIGRE and an IEEE model as well as two RTE-specific models, OLLA and CNER.
Both steady-state solvers can be used for probabilistic simulations with random input parameters using the Monte Carlo method. Uncertainty quantification can be performed through statistics on the random simulation outputs, as well as through a sensitivity analysis using Sobol indices which allows ranking random input parameters according to their contribution to the total variance of the output.
To install the package using pip, execute the following command:
python -m pip install thermohl@git+
(not available yet)
Install the development dependencies and program scripts via pip install -e .[dev]
Build a new wheel via python -m build --wheel
This build a wheel in newly-created dist/ directory
First, make sure you have sphinx and the Readthedocs theme installed.
If you use pip, open a terminal and enter the following commands:
pip install -e .[doc]
If you use conda, open an Anaconda Powershell Prompt and enter the following commands:
conda install sphinx
conda install sphinx_rtd_theme
Then, in the same terminal or anaconda prompt, build the doc with:
cd doc
make html
The documentation can then be accessed from doc/_build/html/index.html
Solvers in thermOHL take a dictionary as an argument, where all keys are strings and all values are either integers,
floats or 1D numpy.ndarray
of integers or floats. It is important to note that all arrays should have the same size.
Missing or None
values in the input dictionary are replaced with a default value, available using
, which are read from thermohl/default_values.yaml
This example uses the IEEE model with default values to compute the surface temperature (°C) of a conductor in steady regime along with the corresponding power terms (W.m-1) in the Energy Balance Principle.
from thermohl import solver
slvr ={})
temp = slvr.steady_temperature()
Results from the solver are returned in a pandas.DataFrame
>>> print(temp)
T_surf P_joule P_solar P_convection P_radiation P_precipitation
0 27.22858 0.273048 9.64051 6.5819 3.331658 0.0
This example uses the IEEE model to compute the maximum current intensity (A) that can be used in a conductor without exceeding a specified maximal temperature (°C), along with the corresponding power terms (W.m-1) in the Energy Balance Principle. Three ambient temperatures are specified as inputs, meaning that three corresponding maximal intensities will be returned by the solver.
import numpy as np
from thermohl import solver
slvr =[0., 15., 30.])))
Tmax = 80.
imax = slvr.steady_intensity(Tmax)
>>> print(imax)
I_max P_joule P_solar P_convection P_radiation P_precipitation
0 1606.946066 83.794845 9.64051 66.750785 26.684570 0.0
1 1408.560563 64.382191 9.64051 50.884473 23.138228 0.0
2 1185.256686 45.586844 9.64051 36.234737 18.992617 0.0