Email: p.perry@gold.ac.uk
This class will serve to introduce you to game development in the Unity Engine with the C# language.
Students are expected to pitch, design, document and develop a 2D game based on a theme will other members of this class. Additionally, each group will need to write a game design document for their project and maintain a week by week project blog. This course adopts the game jam format to encourage prototyping and experimentation within the classroom context.
All notes will be uploaded in the class_notes
folder above.
All code will be uploaded in the class_code
folder above.
####Assessment: | Number | Type | Description | Due Date | Relative Weight| | :-------------:|:-------------:| :-----:| :-----:| :-----:| :-----:| :-----:| 1 | Major Project | Major Project | Your final lab session | 70% | 2 | Documentation of Project | A) Design document. B) Ongoing progress blog | A) Last lab session. B) Week by week due by the lab session | 30%
Throughout class, there will also be 3-5 mini-code challenges students are encouraged to do. If a mark is between two scores participation in all of these mini-challenges throughout the term will tip the mark upwards.
##Week by week This class will run like a 10 week long game jam with winners announced at the end. Further, we will open up the class on week 10 to anyone who wishes to attend and play the developed games.
#####Week 1: Meet your fellow class mates, review course details.
Intro to Unity Interface, game objects and components.
#####Week 2: Game Jam theme announced!
Introduction to the C# programming language and unity basics continued.
Transformation and parenting explained.
Homework: Form teams and develop ideas.
#####Week 3: Let the games begin!
Present your game proposal to the class with your group (5 minutes per group - strict).
Proposals should include the following in a PDF document:
- Name of the project and project logo
- Project description
- Survey of similar game tiles and market analysis of who your player will be
- Scope of your project. Is it accomplishable?
Upload this document to learn.gold no later than the end of this lab session.
Feedback will be given in class and if you fail this presentation you are expected to re-present week 4.
If your project is accepted, this is the point you should start writing your design document.
Here's some great information on how to do this: http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/articles/how-and-why-to-write-a-great-game-design-document--cms-23545
#####Week 4: Collisions and Physics.
Any failed proposals must resubmit their proposal to the group.
#####Week 5: Events and messages.
Project plans due. What is expected:
- A timeline
- A list of roles and responsibilities for each member.
- Your progress blog URL.
- One contact point for the group.
#####Week 6: State Machines and Levels.
#####Week 7: Animation In Unity.
#####Week 8: Check in moment with all groups. Present works in progress for 2 minutes per group. Space in unity explained. Unity UI lecture.
#####Week 9: Final presentations due in class.
You are expected to pitch your game in its full glory for the room. Your talk should be 10 minutes long and include the following in a pdf document:
- Project name and logo
- List of all contributors and their contribution
- The game synopsis
- Player profile.
- The context of your project. How does your game fit into the larger industry? Why is it different or more unique that other, similar games?
- Challenge you faced and overcome
- Next steps
Additionally, each team should have a completed 1000-5000 word design document. Additionally, each team should have a completed 1000-5000 word design document.
Most likely everyone would run out of room on learn.gold for your projects if we attempt to upload them
As a result, I would like a link to download your game at the top of your design document saved as a PDF.
Do not forget to LIST ALL GROUP MEMBERS at the top of the design document and include the name of your game.
Save your design document as PDF and upload on learn.gold in the open assignment in week 10.