- The source file extension must be ".hs"
- Can not use STDIN handle while debugging.
- Creating tasks.json.
- Shortcut keys
- F5 : start / continue debugging
- F6 : show command menu
- Shift + F6 : stop watch
- F7 : clean & build
- F8 : start test
- F9 : put a breakpoint on the current line
- Shift + F9 : put a breakpoint on the current column
- F10 : step next
- F11 : step into
Install haskell-dap, ghci-dap, haskell-debug-adapter at once.
$ stack update
$ stack install haskell-dap ghci-dap haskell-debug-adapter
$ ghci-dap --version
[DAP][INFO] start ghci-dap-0.0.XX.0.
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version X.X.X
$ haskell-debug-adapter --version
VERSION: haskell-debug-adapter-0.0.XX.0
Install ghci-dap, haskell-debug-adapter.
$ cabal update
$ cabal install ghci-dap haskell-debug-adapter
$ haskell-debug-adapter --version
VERSION: haskell-debug-adapter-0.0.XX.0
$ mkdir project_stack
$ cd project_stack
$ stack new sample --bare
$ stack test
$ mkdir project_cabal
$ cd project_cabal
$ cabal init
$ cabal configure
$ cabal bulid
see sample files.
startup | required | ${workspaceRoot}/test/Spec.hs | debug startup file, will be loaded automatically. |
startupFunc | optional | "" (empty string) | debug startup function, will be run instead of main function. |
startupArgs | optional | "" (empty string) | arguments for startup function. set as string type. |
stopOnEntry | required | false | stop or not after debugger launched. |
mainArgs | optional | "" (empty string) | main arguments. |
ghciPrompt | required | H>>= | ghci command prompt string. |
ghciInitialPrompt | optional | "Prelude> " | initial pormpt of ghci. set it when using custom prompt. e.g. set in .ghci |
ghciCmd | required | cabal repl -w ghci-dap --repl-no-load --builddir=${workspaceFolder/.vscode/dist-cabal-repl | launch ghci command (special value ghci-dap will use hie-bios to determine appropriate flags). |
ghciEnv | required | {} | Environment variables for ghci exectution. |
logFile | required | ${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/phoityne.log | internal log file. |
logLevel | required | WARNING | internal log level. |
forceInspect | required | false | Inspect scope variables force. |