A few random irssi scripts I've written over the years. If you're running them and they break, you get to keep both halves. Some scripts may be incomplete.
- bantime.pl
- Display times when people were banned in a human readable manner.
- bork.pl
- Replace characters in text with other characters.
- dccxkb.pl
- Kickbans people sending DCCs to an entire channel.
- fish.pl
- FiSH encryption in perl.
- quakequit.pl
- Hides quakenet "join -> mode -> register quit -> join -> mode" spam.
- topicwrap.pl
- Not my script, but the source seems to have disappeared and it's not on http://scripts.irssi.org/
- whitelist.pl
- Whitelist specific nicks/hosts/networks and ignore (and optionally log) messages from everyone else.
- youtube.pl
- Gets titles for youtube videos and adds them to your text when you paste a youtube link to a channel.