This repository contains the implementation of Stochastic Adapative Forwarding (SAF) for ndnSIM version 2.1.
The original SAF implementation can be found at:
The code is provided under the GNU General Public License Version 3.
Custom version of NS-3 and specified version of ndnSIM needs to be installed.
The code should also work with the latest version of ndnSIM, but it is not guaranteed.
# Checkout latest version of ndnSIM
mdkir persistent-interests
cd persistent-interests
git clone ns-3
git clone pybindgen
git clone --recursive ns-3/src/ndnSIM
# Set correct version for ndnSIM and compile it
cd ns-3
git checkout 2c66f4c
cd src/ndnSIM/
git checkout a9d889b
cd NFD/
git checkout 85d60eb
cd ../ndn-cxx/
git checkout 787be41
cd ../../../
./waf configure -d optimized
sudo ./waf install
To configure in optimized mode without logging (default):
./waf configure
To configure in optimized mode with scenario logging enabled (logging in NS-3 and ndnSIM modules will still be disabled, but you can see output from NS_LOG* calls from your scenarios and extensions):
./waf configure --logging
To configure in debug mode with all logging enabled
./waf configure --debug
If you have installed NS-3 in a non-standard location, you may need to set up PKG_CONFIG_PATH
In addition to SAF this repository contains a sample scenario to test the functionality of SAF.
./waf --run=simple-saf --vis
Debug Information about SAF can be printed with the option NS_LOG=nfd.SAF
NS_LOG=nfd.SAF ./waf --run=simple-saf --vis