This is a sample solution for the codelab "Speaking with a Webpage".
Install Java and Maven:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y maven openjdk-8-jdk
The maven jetty plugin listens for http and https connections on ports 8080
and 8443
by default. Open them up on the Compute Engine firewall:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create dev-ports \
--allow=tcp:8080,tcp:8443 \
Create a webapp for App Engine Flexible that can serve static javascript, a
static index.html
, and a dynamic controller.
When using getUserInput
to access microphone input, browsers require the
connection to be https
. Configure the app for https - for development
purposes, a self-signed certificate suffices.
Generate a self-signed SSL cert for now:
keytool -genkey -alias jetty -keyalg RSA \
-keystore src/main/resources/jetty.keystore \
-storepass secret -keypass secret -dname "CN=localhost"
Then run:
cd 01-hello-https/
mvn clean jetty:run
Use the WebAudio API on the frontend to get microphone data.
Stream the raw audio data from the client to the server using WebSockets.
When on an https
webpage, websocket connections are required to be secure
Use the Speech API to stream transcriptions of speech to the client.
This is not an official Google product