An OpenSeadragon plugin that makes it possible to add guidelines to an image.
This plugin requires a version of OpenSeadragon later than 2.0
Include dist/openseadragon-guides.js
after OpenSeadragon in your html. Then after you create a viewer:
allowRotation: false, // Make it possible to rotate the guidelines (by double clicking them)
horizontalGuideButton: null, // Element for horizontal guideline button
verticalGuideButton: null, // Element for vertical guideline button
prefixUrl: null, // Images folder
removeOnClose: false, // Remove guidelines when viewer closes
useSessionStorage: false, // Save guidelines in sessionStorage
navImages: {
guideHorizontal: {
REST: 'guidehorizontal_rest.png',
GROUP: 'guidehorizontal_grouphover.png',
HOVER: 'guidehorizontal_hover.png',
DOWN: 'guidehorizontal_pressed.png'
guideVertical: {
REST: 'guidevertical_rest.png',
GROUP: 'guidevertical_grouphover.png',
HOVER: 'guidevertical_hover.png',
DOWN: 'guidevertical_pressed.png'
- Add default styling for the rotation popup