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Rework renderer again
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It is now even more powerful, although there is still a bit of room for improvement in the future.
In short, it defers merging spacing across group boundaries, allowing groups to start/end with spacing
even if the previous/next token is a whitespace too. Previously, they would get merged, causing weird results.

- Removed mergeSpacings', as it is not needed anymore
- Merged moveLinesOut and mergeSpacings into a single pass "fixup"
- layoutGreedy can now handle some consecutive spacings across group boundaries
  - It still does not handle all cases, only the ones needed for the current features.
    More will be added as needed.
  • Loading branch information
piegamesde committed Jul 18, 2023
1 parent 4468e9b commit 0ebdbbe
Showing 1 changed file with 87 additions and 90 deletions.
177 changes: 87 additions & 90 deletions src/Nixfmt/Predoc.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,12 +110,6 @@ type Doc = [DocE]
class Pretty a where
pretty :: a -> Doc

--instance Pretty Text where
-- pretty = pure . (Text False)

--instance Pretty String where
-- pretty = pure . (Text False) . pack

instance Pretty Doc where
pretty = id

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,25 +244,43 @@ unexpandSpacing (x:xs) = x : unexpandSpacing xs
spanEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
spanEnd p = fmap reverse . span p . reverse

-- | Fix up a Doc in multiple stages:
-- - First, some spacings are moved out of Groups and Nests and empty Groups and
-- Nests are removed.
-- - Merge consecutive spacings. When merging across group/nest boundaries, the merged
-- spacing will be on the "inside" (part of the group).
-- - This may move hard spacing in, so we need to move them out again
-- | Fix up a Doc:
-- - Move some spacings (those which are not relevant for group calculations)
-- out of the start/end of Groups and Nests if possible.
-- This is especially important because it moves out hardlines from comments out of groups,
-- which would otherwise wrongly cause them to expand.
-- - Merge consecutive spacings.
-- - Spacings are not merged across Group or Nest boundaries, although this may happen for those
-- spacings that are moved.
-- - Remove empty Groups and Nests
-- After running, any nodes are guaranteed to start/end with at most one whitespace element respectively.
fixup :: Doc -> Doc
fixup = concatMap moveLinesOut . mergeLines' . mergeLines . concatMap moveLinesOut

moveLinesOut :: DocE -> Doc
moveLinesOut (Node ann xs) =
let movedOut = concatMap moveLinesOut xs
(pre, rest) = span isHardSpacing movedOut
fixup [] = []
-- Merge consecutive spacings
fixup (Spacing a : Spacing b : xs) = fixup $ Spacing (mergeSpacings a b) : xs
-- Merge consecutive texts
fixup (Text ann a : Text ann' b : xs) | ann == ann' = fixup $ Text ann (a <> b) : xs
-- Handle node, with leading spacing to potentially merge with
fixup (Spacing a : Node ann xs : ys) =
-- Recurse onto xs, split out leading and trailing whitespace into pre and post.
(pre, rest) = span isHardSpacing $ fixup xs
(post, body) = spanEnd isHardSpacing rest
in case body of
[] -> pre ++ post
_ -> pre ++ (Node ann body : post)

moveLinesOut x = [x]
in if nil body then
-- Dissolve empty node
fixup $ (Spacing a : pre) ++ post ++ ys
fixup (Spacing a : pre) ++ [Node ann body] ++ fixup (post ++ ys)
-- Handle node, almost the same thing
fixup (Node ann xs : ys) =
(pre, rest) = span isHardSpacing $ fixup xs
(post, body) = spanEnd isHardSpacing rest
in if nil body then
fixup $ pre ++ post ++ ys
fixup pre ++ [Node ann body] ++ fixup (post ++ ys)
fixup (x : xs) = x : fixup xs

mergeSpacings :: Spacing -> Spacing -> Spacing
mergeSpacings x y | x > y = mergeSpacings y x
Expand All @@ -281,42 +293,6 @@ mergeSpacings Hardspace (Newlines x) = Newlines x
mergeSpacings _ (Newlines x) = Newlines (x + 1)
mergeSpacings _ y = y

-- Merge whitespace and text elements across the document, but not across Node boundaries.
-- After running, any nodes are guaranteed to start/end with at most one whitespace element respectively.
mergeLines :: Doc -> Doc
mergeLines [] = []
mergeLines (Spacing a : Spacing b : xs) = mergeLines $ Spacing (mergeSpacings a b) : xs
mergeLines (Text ann a : Text ann' b : xs) | ann == ann'
= mergeLines $ Text ann (a <> b) : xs
mergeLines (Node ann xs : ys) = Node ann (mergeLines xs) : mergeLines ys
mergeLines (x : xs) = x : mergeLines xs

startsWithWhitespace :: Doc -> Bool
startsWithWhitespace (s : _) | isSoftSpacing s = True
startsWithWhitespace ((Node _ inner) : _) = startsWithWhitespace inner
startsWithWhitespace _ = False

endsWithWhitespace :: Doc -> Bool
endsWithWhitespace (s : []) | isSoftSpacing s = True
endsWithWhitespace ((Node _ inner) : []) = endsWithWhitespace inner
endsWithWhitespace (_ : xs) = endsWithWhitespace xs
endsWithWhitespace _ = False

-- Merge whitespace across group borders
mergeLines' :: Doc -> Doc
mergeLines' [] = []
-- Merge things that got moved together
mergeLines' (Spacing a : Spacing b : xs) = mergeLines' $ Spacing (mergeSpacings a b) : xs
-- Move spacing in front of groups in if they can be merged
mergeLines' (Spacing a : Node ann (xs) : ys) | startsWithWhitespace xs =
mergeLines' $ Node ann (Spacing a : xs) : ys
-- Merge spacings after groups in if they can be merged
mergeLines' (Node ann xs : Spacing a : ys) | endsWithWhitespace xs =
mergeLines' $ Node ann (xs ++ [Spacing a]) : ys
mergeLines' (Node ann xs : ys) =
Node ann (mergeLines' xs) : mergeLines' ys
mergeLines' (x : xs) = x : mergeLines' xs

layout :: Pretty a => Int -> a -> Text
layout w = (<>"\n") . Text.strip . layoutGreedy w . fixup . pretty

Expand All @@ -338,6 +314,9 @@ textWidth = Text.length
fits :: Int -> Doc -> Maybe Text
fits c _ | c < 0 = Nothing
fits _ [] = Just ""
-- This case is impossible in the input thanks to fixup, but may happen
-- due to our recursion on nodes below
fits c (Spacing a:Spacing b:xs) = fits c (Spacing (mergeSpacings a b):xs)
fits c (x:xs) = case x of
Text Regular t -> (t<>) <$> fits (c - textWidth t) xs
Text Comment t -> (t<>) <$> fits c xs
Expand All @@ -358,9 +337,12 @@ firstLineWidth :: Doc -> Int
firstLineWidth [] = 0
firstLineWidth (Text Comment _ : xs) = firstLineWidth xs
firstLineWidth (Text _ t : xs) = textWidth t + firstLineWidth xs
-- This case is impossible in the input thanks to fixup, but may happen
-- due to our recursion on nodes below
firstLineWidth (Spacing a : Spacing b : xs) = firstLineWidth (Spacing (mergeSpacings a b):xs)
firstLineWidth (Spacing Hardspace : xs) = 1 + firstLineWidth xs
firstLineWidth (Spacing _ : _) = 0
firstLineWidth (Node _ xs : ys) = firstLineWidth (xs ++ ys)
firstLineWidth (Node _ xs : ys) = firstLineWidth $ xs ++ ys

-- | Check if the first line in a document fits a target width given
-- a maximum width, without breaking up groups.
Expand All @@ -370,6 +352,9 @@ firstLineFits targetWidth maxWidth docs = go maxWidth docs
go c [] = maxWidth - c <= targetWidth
go c (Text Regular t : xs) = go (c - textWidth t) xs
go c (Text _ _ : xs) = go c xs
-- This case is impossible in the input thanks to fixup, but may happen
-- due to our recursion on nodes below
go c (Spacing a : Spacing b : xs) = go c $ Spacing (mergeSpacings a b) : xs
go c (Spacing Hardspace : xs) = go (c - 1) xs
go c (Spacing _ : _) = maxWidth - c <= targetWidth
go c (Node (Group _) ys : xs) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -420,46 +405,48 @@ layoutGreedy tw doc = Text.concat $ evalState (go [Chunk 0 $ Node (Group False)
-- First argument: chunk to render. This will recurse into nests/groups if the chunk is one.
-- Second argument: lookahead of following chunks
goOne :: Chunk -> [Chunk] -> State (Int, Int) [Text]
goOne (Chunk ti x) xs = get >>= \(cc,ci) ->
goOne (Chunk ti x) xs = get >>= \(cc, ci) ->
xs' = map unChunk xs

-- The last printed character was a line break
needsIndent = (cc == 0)
-- next column, if we print some non-whitespace characters
nc = if needsIndent then ti else cc
-- Start of line indentation, if necessary
lineStart = if needsIndent then indent ti else ""

-- Some state helpers
putCC cc' = put (cc', ci)
putText ts = put (cc + sum (map textWidth ts), ci) $> ts
putNL = put (0, ti)
case x of
Text _ t -> putCC (nc + textWidth t) $> [lineStart, t]
in case x of
Text _ t -> putText [lineStart, t]

-- This code treats whitespace as "expanded"
-- A new line resets the column counter and sets the target indentation as current indentation
Spacing Break -> putNL $> [newlines 1]
Spacing Space -> putNL $> [newlines 1]
Spacing Hardspace -> putCC (cc + 1) $> [" "]
Spacing Hardline -> putNL $> [newlines 1]
Spacing Emptyline -> putNL $> [newlines 2]
Spacing (Newlines n) -> putNL $> [newlines n]

Spacing Softbreak
| firstLineFits (tw - nc + ci) (tw - ti) (map unChunk xs)
-> pure []
| otherwise -> putNL $> [newlines 1]

Spacing Softspace
| firstLineFits (tw - nc + ci - 1) (tw - ti) (map unChunk xs)
-> putCC (cc + 1) $> [" "]
| otherwise -> putNL $> [newlines 1]

Node (Nest l) ys -> do { put (cc, (if needsIndent then ti + l else ci)); go (map (Chunk (ti + l)) ys) xs }
Spacing sp ->
-- We know that the last printed character was a line break (cc == 0),
-- therefore drop any leading whitespace within the group to avoid duplicate newlines
if needsIndent then
pure []
else case sp of
Break -> putNL $> [newlines 1]
Space -> putNL $> [newlines 1]
Hardspace -> putText [" "]
Hardline -> putNL $> [newlines 1]
Emptyline -> putNL $> [newlines 2]
(Newlines n) -> putNL $> [newlines n]
| firstLineFits (tw - cc + ci) (tw - ti) xs'
-> pure []
| otherwise -> putNL $> [newlines 1]
| firstLineFits (tw - cc + ci - 1) (tw - ti) xs'
-> putText [" "]
| otherwise -> putNL $> [newlines 1]

Node (Nest l) ys -> put (cc, if cc == 0 then ti + l else ci) >> go (map (Chunk (ti + l)) ys) xs
Node Base ys -> go (map (Chunk ci) ys) xs
Node (Group _) ys ->
xs' = map unChunk xs

-- fromMaybe lifted to (StateT s Maybe)
fromMaybeState :: State s a -> StateT s Maybe a -> State s a
fromMaybeState l r = state $ \s -> fromMaybe (runState l s) (runStateT r s)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -492,10 +479,20 @@ layoutGreedy tw doc = Text.concat $ evalState (go [Chunk 0 $ Node (Group False)
-- Any whitespace within the group is treated as "compact".
-- Return Nothing on failure, i.e. if the group would require a line break
goGroup :: Int -> Doc -> Doc -> StateT (Int, Int) Maybe [Text]
goGroup ti grp rest = StateT $ \(cc,ci) ->
-- In general groups are never empty as empty groups are removed in `fixup`, however this also
-- gets called for pre and post of priority groups, which may be empty.
goGroup to [] rest = pure []
goGroup ti grp rest = StateT $ \(cc, ci) ->
if cc == 0 then
let i = ti + firstLineIndent grp in
fits (tw - firstLineWidth rest) grp
-- We know that the last printed character was a line break (cc == 0),
-- therefore drop any leading whitespace within the group to avoid duplicate newlines
grp' = case head grp of
Spacing _ -> tail grp
_ -> grp
i = ti + firstLineIndent grp'
fits (tw - firstLineWidth rest) grp'
<&> \t -> ([indent i, t], (i + textWidth t, ci))
fits (tw + (ci - cc) - firstLineWidth rest) grp
Expand Down

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