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Improve priority group handling
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It now also takes into account whether post fits onto a single line or not.
Previously this did not matter, as all instances only had whitespace in there,
so force-unexpanding worked as a hack. But now it is time to fully implement the feature.

No big changes to the layouting algorithm itself were made, however it needed to be
refactored such that the interface it provides only processes one item at a time.
(The algorithm already did that, it's just that the function always also processed the rest.)
This has been done by making use of the State monad.

This should cause no changes to the output format.
  • Loading branch information
piegamesde committed Jul 17, 2023
1 parent ef310bb commit a54a01a
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Showing 4 changed files with 127 additions and 75 deletions.
178 changes: 104 additions & 74 deletions src/Nixfmt/Predoc.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,12 +36,14 @@ module Nixfmt.Predoc

import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Functor ((<&>), ($>))
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text as Text (Text, concat, length, replicate, strip)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
-- import Debug.Trace (traceShow)
-- import Debug.Trace (traceShow, traceShowId)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (State, StateT, StateT(..), mapStateT, state, runState, evalState, get, put)

-- | Sequential Spacings are reduced to a single Spacing by taking the maximum.
-- This means that e.g. a Space followed by an Emptyline results in just an
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,10 +79,9 @@ data DocAnn
-- pre, prio and post.
-- If any group contains a priority group, the following happens:
-- If it entirely fits on one line, render on one line (as usual).
-- If it does not fit on one line, but pre does, then only expand prio.
-- If it does not fit on one line, but pre and post do when prio is expanded, then try that.
-- In all other cases, fully expand the group.
-- Groups containing multiple priority groups are not supported at the moment.
-- Nesting further groups into post is not supported at the moment.
= Group Bool
-- | Node (Nest n) doc indicates all line starts in doc should be indented
-- by n more spaces than the surrounding Base.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,20 +226,17 @@ isHardSpacing (Spacing Emptyline) = True
isHardSpacing (Spacing (Newlines _)) = True
isHardSpacing _ = False

-- Manually force a group to its compact layout, by replacing all relevant whitespace.
-- Does not recurse into inner groups (maybe it should though?)
--- Manually force a group to its compact layout, by replacing all relevant whitespace.
--- Does recurse into inner groups.
unexpandSpacing :: Doc -> Doc
unexpandSpacing [] = []
unexpandSpacing ((Spacing s):xs) = maybe [] (pure . Spacing) (unexpandSpacing' s) ++ unexpandSpacing xs
unexpandSpacing ((Spacing Space):xs) = Spacing Hardspace : unexpandSpacing xs
unexpandSpacing ((Spacing Softspace):xs) = Spacing Hardspace : unexpandSpacing xs
unexpandSpacing ((Spacing Break):xs) = unexpandSpacing xs
unexpandSpacing ((Spacing Softbreak):xs) = unexpandSpacing xs
unexpandSpacing (s@(Spacing _):xs) = s : unexpandSpacing xs
unexpandSpacing (x:xs) = x : unexpandSpacing xs

unexpandSpacing' :: Spacing -> Maybe Spacing
unexpandSpacing' Space = Just Hardspace
unexpandSpacing' Softspace = Just Hardspace
unexpandSpacing' Break = Nothing
unexpandSpacing' Softbreak = Nothing
unexpandSpacing' x = Just x

spanEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
spanEnd p = fmap reverse . span p . reverse

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,65 +396,97 @@ unChunk (Chunk _ doc) = doc
-- Only for the tokens starting on the next line the current
-- indentation will match the target indentation.
layoutGreedy :: Int -> Doc -> Text
layoutGreedy tw doc = Text.concat $ go 0 0 [Chunk 0 $ Node (Group False) doc]
where go :: Int -> Int -> [Chunk] -> [Text]
go _ _ [] = []
go cc ci (Chunk ti x : xs) =
layoutGreedy tw doc = Text.concat $ evalState (go [Chunk 0 $ Node (Group False) doc] []) (0, 0)
-- All state is (cc, ci)

-- First argument: chunks to render
-- Second argument: lookahead of following chunks, not rendered
go :: [Chunk] -> [Chunk] -> State (Int, Int) [Text]
go [] _ = return []
go (x:xs) ys = do { t <- goOne x (xs ++ ys); ts <- go xs ys; return (t ++ ts) }

-- First argument: chunk to render. This will recurse into nests/groups if the chunk is one.
-- Second argument: lookahead of following chunks
goOne :: Chunk -> [Chunk] -> State (Int, Int) [Text]
goOne (Chunk ti x) xs = get >>= \(cc,ci) ->
needsIndent = (cc == 0)
-- next column, if we print some non-whitespace characters
nc = if needsIndent then ti else cc
-- Start of line indentation, if necessary
lineStart = if needsIndent then indent ti else ""

-- Some state helpers
putCC cc' = put (cc', ci)
putNL = put (0, ti)
case x of
Text False t -> putCC (nc + textWidth t) $> [lineStart, t]
Text True t -> putCC (nc + textWidth t) $> [lineStart, t]

-- This code treats whitespace as "expanded"
-- A new line resets the column counter and sets the target indentation as current indentation
Spacing Break -> putNL $> [newlines 1]
Spacing Space -> putNL $> [newlines 1]
Spacing Hardspace -> putCC (cc + 1) $> [" "]
Spacing Hardline -> putNL $> [newlines 1]
Spacing Emptyline -> putNL $> [newlines 2]
Spacing (Newlines n) -> putNL $> [newlines n]

Spacing Softbreak
| firstLineFits (tw - nc + ci) (tw - ti) (map unChunk xs)
-> pure []
| otherwise -> putNL $> [newlines 1]

Spacing Softspace
| firstLineFits (tw - nc + ci - 1) (tw - ti) (map unChunk xs)
-> putCC (cc + 1) $> [" "]
| otherwise -> putNL $> [newlines 1]

Node (Nest l) ys -> do { put (cc, (if needsIndent then ti + l else ci)); go (map (Chunk (ti + l)) ys) xs }
Node Base ys -> go (map (Chunk ci) ys) xs
Node (Group _) ys ->
needsIndent = (cc == 0)
-- next column, if we print some non-whitespace characters
nc = if needsIndent then ti else cc
-- Start of line indentation, if necessary
lineStart = if needsIndent then indent ti else ""
xs' = map unChunk xs

-- fromMaybe lifted to (StateT s Maybe)
fromMaybeState :: State s a -> StateT s Maybe a -> State s a
fromMaybeState l r = state $ \s -> fromMaybe (runState l s) (runStateT r s)
case x of
Text False t -> lineStart : t : go (nc + textWidth t) ci xs
Text True t -> lineStart : t : go (nc + textWidth t) ci xs

-- This code treats whitespace as "expanded"
-- A new line resets the column counter and sets the target indentation as current indentation
Spacing Break -> newlines 1 : go 0 ti xs
Spacing Space -> newlines 1 : go 0 ti xs
Spacing Hardspace -> " " : go (cc + 1) ci xs
Spacing Hardline -> newlines 1 : go 0 ti xs
Spacing Emptyline -> newlines 2 : go 0 ti xs
Spacing (Newlines n) -> newlines n : go 0 ti xs

Spacing Softbreak
| firstLineFits (tw - nc + ci) (tw - ti) (map unChunk xs)
-> go cc ci xs
| otherwise -> newlines 1 : go 0 ti xs

Spacing Softspace
| firstLineFits (tw - nc + ci - 1) (tw - ti) (map unChunk xs)
-> " " : go (cc + 1) ci xs
| otherwise -> newlines 1 : go 0 ti xs

Node (Nest l) ys -> go cc (if needsIndent then ti + l else ci) $ map (Chunk (ti + l)) ys ++ xs
Node Base ys -> go cc ci $ map (Chunk ci) ys ++ xs
Node (Group _) ys ->
-- Does the group (plus whatever comes after it on that line) fit in one line?
-- This is where treating whitespace as "compact" happens
handleGroup :: Doc -> [Chunk] -> Maybe [Text]
handleGroup pre post =
if needsIndent then
let i = ti + firstLineIndent pre in
fits (tw - firstLineWidth (map unChunk post)) pre
<&> \t -> indent i : t : go (i + textWidth t) ci post
fits (tw - cc + ci - firstLineWidth (map unChunk post)) pre
<&> \t -> t : go (cc + textWidth t) ci post
-- Try to fit the entire group first
handleGroup ys xs
-- If that fails, check whether the group contains any priority groups as its children and try to expand them first
<|> do
-- Split up on the first priority group
-- Note that the pattern on prio is infallible as per isPriorityGroup
(pre, (Node (Group True) prio) : post) <- Just (break isPriorityGroup ys)
-- Try to fit pre onto one line (with prio expanded, and post manually unexpanded)
handleGroup pre $ map (Chunk ti) prio ++ map (Chunk ti) (unexpandSpacing post) ++ xs
-- Otherwise, dissolve the group by mapping its members to the target indentation
-- This also implies that whitespace in there will now be rendered "expanded"
& fromMaybe (go cc ci $ map (Chunk ti) ys ++ xs)
-- Try to fit the entire group first
goGroup ti ys xs'
-- If that fails, check whether the group contains a priority group within its children and try to expand that first
<|> do
-- Split up on the first priority group, if present
-- Note that the pattern on prio is infallible as per isPriorityGroup
(pre, (Node (Group True) prio) : post) <- pure $ (break isPriorityGroup ys)
-- Try to fit pre onto one line
preRendered <- goGroup ti pre (prio ++ post ++ xs')
-- Render prio expanded
-- We know that post will be rendered compact. So we tell the renderer that by manually removing all
-- line breaks in post here. Otherwise we might get into awkward the situation where pre and prio are put
-- onto the one line, all three obviously wouldn't fit.
prioRendered <- mapStateT (Just . runIdentity) $
go (map (Chunk ti) prio) (map (Chunk ti) (unexpandSpacing post) ++ xs)
-- Try to render post onto one line
postRendered <- goGroup ti post xs'
-- If none of these failed, put together and return
return $ (preRendered ++ prioRendered ++ postRendered)
-- Otherwise, dissolve the group by mapping its members to the target indentation
-- This also implies that whitespace in there will now be rendered "expanded".
& fromMaybeState (go (map (Chunk ti) ys) xs)

-- Try to fit the group onto a single line, while accounting for the fact that the first
-- bits of rest must fit as well (until the first possibility for a line break within rest).
-- Any whitespace within the group is treated as "compact".
-- Return Nothing on failure, i.e. if the group would require a line break
goGroup :: Int -> Doc -> Doc -> StateT (Int, Int) Maybe [Text]
goGroup ti grp rest = StateT $ \(cc,ci) ->
if cc == 0 then
let i = ti + firstLineIndent grp in
fits (tw - firstLineWidth rest) grp
<&> \t -> ([indent i, t], (i + textWidth t, ci))
fits (tw + (ci - cc) - firstLineWidth rest) grp
<&> \t -> ([t], (cc + textWidth t, ci))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Nixfmt/Pretty.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ instance Pretty Binder where
(Term _) -> group' False (line <> pretty expr)
-- Function call
-- Absorb if all arguments except the last fit into the line, start on new line otherwise
(Application f a) -> group $ prettyApp hardline line line' mempty f a
(Application f a) -> prettyApp hardline line line' mempty f a
-- Absorb function declarations but only those with simple parameter(s)
(Abstraction _ _ _) | isAbstractionWithAbsorbableTerm expr -> hardspace <> group expr
-- With expression with absorbable body: Try to absorb and keep the semicolon attached, spread otherwise
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test/diff/attr_set/in.nix
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Expand Up @@ -94,6 +94,13 @@
systemd.initrdBi = lib.mkIf [ pkgs.vdo ];
systemd.initrdBin = lib.mkIf [ pkgs.vdo ];
systemd.initrdBin_ = lib.mkIf [ pkgs.vdo ];
systemd.initrdBin__ = lib.mkIf [ pkgs.vdo ];
systemd.initrdBin___ = lib.mkIf [ pkgs.vdo ];
patches = [
(substituteAll {
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions test/diff/attr_set/out.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,6 +143,21 @@
systemd.initrdBi = lib.mkIf [ pkgs.vdo ];
systemd.initrdBin = lib.mkIf [
systemd.initrdBin_ = lib.mkIf [
systemd.initrdBin__ = lib.mkIf [
systemd.initrdBin___ = lib.mkIf [
patches = [
(substituteAll {
Expand Down

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