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Typst template suite for papers, presentation slides, exams, and more!


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Grape Suite

The grape suite is a suite consisting of following templates:

  • exercises (for exams, homework, etc.)

  • seminar papers

  • slides (using polylux)


Usable as an exercise sheet:

Tasks Hints Solutions

Or for short reports/essays:


#import "@preview/grape-suite:2.0.0": exercise
#import exercise: project, task, subtask

#show: project.with(
    title: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit",

    university: [University],
    institute: [Institute],
    seminar: [Seminar],

    abstract: lorem(100),
    show-outline: true,

    author: "John Doe",

    show-solutions: false


no optional, number, default: none, number of the sheet in the series
type optional, content, default: [Exam], type of the series, eg. exam, homework, protocol, ...
title optional, content, default: none, title of the document: if none, then generated from no, type and suffix-title
suffix-title optional, content, default: none, used if title is none to generate the title of the document
show-outline optional, bool, default: false, show outline after title iff true
abstract optional, content, default: none, show abstract between outline and title
document-title optional, content, default: none, shown in the upper right corner of the page header: if none, title is used
show-hints optional, bool, default: false, generate hints from tasks iff true
show-solutions optional, bool, default: false, generate solutions from tasks iff true
show-namefield optional, bool, default: false, show namefield at the end of the left header iff true
namefield optional, content, default: [Name:], content shown iff show-namefield
show-timefield optional, bool, default: false, show timefield at the end of right header iff true
timefield optional, function, default: (time) => [Time: #time min.], to generate the content shown as the timefield iff show-timefield is true
max-time optional, number, default: 0, time value used in the timefield function generator
show-lines optional, bool, default: false, draw automatic lines for each task, if lines parameter of task is set
show-point-distribution-in-tasks optional, bool, default: false, show point distribution after tasks iff true
show-point-distribution-in-solutions optional, bool, default: false, show point distributions after solutions iff true
solutions-as-matrix optional, bool, default: false, show solutions as a matrix iff true, mind that: now the solution parameter of task expects a list of 2-tuples, where the first element of the 2-tuple is the amount of points, a number and the second element is content, how to achieve all points
university optional, content, default: none
faculty optional, content, default: none
institute optional, content, default: none
seminar optional, content, default: none
semester optional, content, default: none
docent optional, content, default: none
author optional, content, default: none
date optional, datetime, default:
header-gutter optional, length, default: 20%, overwrite header gutter
header optional, content, default: none, overwrite page header
header-right optional, content, default: none, overwrite right header part
header-middle optional, content, default: none, overwrite middle header part
header-left optional, content, default: none, overwrite left header part
footer optional, content, default: none, overwrite footer part
footer-right optional, content, default: none, overwrite right footer part
footer-middle optional, content, default: none, overwrite middle footer part
footer-left optional, content, default: none, overwrite left footer part
task-type optional, content, default: [Task], content shown in task title box before numbering
extra-task-type optional, content, default: [Extra task], for tasks where the extra parameter is true, content shown in title box before numbering
box-task-title optional, content, default: [Task], shown as the title of a task box used by the slides library
box-hint-title optional, content, default: [Hint], shown as the title of a tasks colored hint box
box-solution-title optional, content, default: [Solution], shown as the title of a tasks colored solution box
box-definition-title optional, content, default: [Definition], shown as the title of a definition box used by the slides library
box-notice-title optional, content, default: [Notice], shown as the title of a notice box used by the slides library
box-example-title optional, content, default: [Example], shown as the title of a example box used by the slides library
hint-type optional, content, default: [Hint], title of a tasks hint version
hints-title optional, content, default: [Hints], title of the hints section
solution-type optional, content, default: [Suggested solution], title of a tasks solution version
solutions-title optional, content, default: [Suggested solutions], title of the solutions section
solution-matrix-task-header optional, content, default: [Tasks], first column header of solution matrix, column contains the reasons on how to achieve the points
solution-matrix-achieved-points-header optional, content, default: [Points achieved], second column header of solution matrix, column contains the points the one achieved
show-solution-matrix-comment-field optional, bool, default: false, show comment field in solution matrix
solution-matrix-comment-field-value optional, content, default: [*Note:* #v(0.5cm)], value of solution matrix comment fields
distribution-header-point-value optional, content, default: [Point], first row of point distribution, used to indicate the points needed to get a specific grade
distribution-header-point-grade optional, content, default: [Grade], second row of point distribution
message optional, function, default: (points-sum, extrapoints-sum) => [In sum #points-sum + #extrapoints-sum P. are achievable. You achieved #box(line(stroke: purple, length: 1cm)) out of #points-sum points.], used to generate the message part above the point distribution
grade-scale optional, array, default: (([excellent], 0.9), ([very good], 0.8), ([good], 0.7), ([pass], 0.6), ([fail], 0.49)), list of grades and percentage of points to reach that grade
page-margins optional, margins, default: none, overwrite page margins
text-font optional, content, default: ("Atkinson Hyperlegible","Libertinus Serif"), overwrite font family for text content
math-font optional, content, default: ("STIX Two Math", "New Computer Modern Math"), overwrite font family for math equations
fontsize optional, size, default: 11pt, overwrite font size
show-todolist optional, bool, default: true, show list of usages of the todo function after the outline
body content, document content

task creates a task element in an exercise project.

lines optional, number, default: 0, number of lines to draw if show-lines in exercise's project is set to true
points optional, number, default: 0, number of points achievable
extra optional, bool, default: false, determines if the task is obligatory (false) or additional (true)
numbering-format optional, function, default: none,
title content, title of the task
instruction content, instruction of the task, highlighted
..args 1: content, task body; 2: content, task solution, not highlighted (see solution-as-matrix of exercise's project), 3: content, task hint

subtask creates a part of a task. Its points are added to the parent task. Subtasks are to be use inside of the task's body or inside of another subtask's body.

points optional, number, default: 0, points achievable, adds to a tasks point
tight optional, bool, default: false, enum style
markers optional, array, default: ("1.", "a)"), numbering format for each level, fallback is i.
show-points optional, bool, default: true, show points next to subtask's body iff true
counter optional, counter, default: none, change number styled by the numbering format; if none, each level has an incremental auto counter
content content, subtask body

Seminar paper

Title page Outline Body

Note: The template generates a German statement of authorship as the last page by default. This behavior can be deactivated by using show-declaration-of-independent-work.


#import "@preview/grape-suite:2.0.0": seminar-paper

#show: seminar-paper.project.with(
    title: "Die Intensionalität von dass-Sätzen",
    subtitle: "Intensionale Kontexte in philosophischen Argumenten",

    university: [Universität Musterstadt],
    faculty: [Exemplarische Fakultät],
    institute: [Institut für Philosophie],
    docent: [Dr. phil. Berta Beispielprüferin],
    seminar: [Beispielseminar],

    submit-to: [Eingereicht bei],
    submit-by: [Eingereicht durch],

    semester: german-dates.semester(,

    author: "Max Muster",
    email: "max.muster@uni-musterstadt.uni",
    address: [
        12345 Musterstadt \
        Musterstraße 67


title optional, content, default: none, title used on the title page
subtitle optional, content, default: none, subtitle used on title page
submit-to optional, content, default: "Submitted to", title for the assignees's section
submit-by optional, content, default: "Submitted by", title for the assigned's section
university optional, content, default: "UNIVERSITY"
faculty optional, content, default: "FACULTY"
institute optional, content, default: "INSTITUTE"
seminar optional, content, default: "SEMINAR"
semester optional, content, default: "SEMESTER"
docent optional, content, default: "DOCENT"
author optional, content, default: "AUTHOR"
email optional, content, default: "EMAIL"
address optional, content, default: "ADDRESS"
title-page-part optional, content, default: none, overwrite date, assignee and assigned section
title-page-part-submit-date optional, content, default: none, overwrite date section
title-page-part-submit-to optional, content, default: none, overwrite assignee section
title-page-part-submit-by optional, content, default: none, overwrite assigned section
date optional, datetime, default:
date-format optional, function, default: (date) => date.display("[day].[month].[year]")
header optional, content, default: none, overwrite page header
header-right optional, content, default: none, overwrite right header part
header-middle optional, content, default: none, overwrite middle header part
header-left optional, content, default: none, overwrite left header part
footer optional, content, default: none, overwrite footer part
footer-right optional, content, default: none, overwrite right footer part
footer-middle optional, content, default: none, overwrite middle footer part
footer-left optional, content, default: none, overwrite left footer part
show-outline optional, bool, default: true, show outline
show-declaration-of-independent-work optional, bool, default: true, show German declaration of independent work
page-margins optional, margins, default: none, overwrite page margins
text-font optional, content, default: ("Atkinson Hyperlegible","Libertinus Serif"), overwrite font family for text content
math-font optional, content, default: ("STIX Two Math", "New Computer Modern Math"), overwrite font family for math equations
fontsize optional, size, default: 11pt, overwrite fontsize
show-todolist optional, bool, default: true, show list of usages of the todo function after the outline
body content, document content
body sidenote content, which is a block with 3cm width and will be displayed in the right margin of the page



#import "@preview/grape-suite:2.0.0": slides
#import slides: *

#show: slides.with(
    no: 1,
    series: [Logik-Tutorium],
    title: [Organisatorisches und Einführung in die Logik],

    author: "Tristan Pieper",
    email: link(""),


no optional, number, default: 0, number in the series
series optional, content, default: none, name of the series
title optional, content, default: none, title of the presentation
topics optional, array, default: (), topics of the presentation
author optional, content, default: none, author
email optional, content, default: none, author's email
head-replacement optional, content, default: none, replace head on title slide with given content
title-replacement optional, content, default: none, replace title below head on title slide with given content
footer optional, content, default: none, replace footer on slides with given content
page-numbering optional, function, default: (n, total) => {...}, function that creates the page numbering (where n is the current, total is the last page)
show-semester optional, bool, default: true, show name of the semester (e.g. "SoSe 24")
show-date optional, bool, default: true, show date in german format
show-outline optional, bool, default: true, show outline on the second slide
box-task-title optional, content, default: [Task], shown as the title of a slide's task box
box-hint-title optional, content, default: [Hint], shown as the title of a slide's tasks colored
box-solution-title optional, content, default: [Solution], shown as the title of a slide's tasks colored
box-definition-title optional, content, default: [Definition], shown as the title of a slide's definition box
box-notice-title optional, content, default: [Notice], shown as the title of a slide's notice box
box-example-title optional, content, default: [Example], shown as the title of a slide's example box
date optional, datetime, default:
date-format optional, function, default: (date) => [#weekday(date.weekday()), #date.display("[day].[month].[year]")]
show-todolist optional, bool, default: true, show list of usages of the todo function after the outline
show-title-slide optional, bool, default: true, show title slide
show-author optional, bool, default: true, show author name on title slide
show-footer optional, bool, default: true, show footer on slides
show-page-numbers optional, bool, default: true, show page numbering
outline-title-text optional, content, default: "Outline", title for the outline
text-font optional, content, default: ("Atkinson Hyperlegible","Libertinus Serif"), overwrite font family for text content
math-font optional, content, default: ("STIX Two Math", "New Computer Modern Math"), overwrite font family for math equations
body content, document content
body content, document content
  • slide, later, only, uncover: imported from polylux


The following functions can be imported from slides, exercise and seminar-paper:

  • todo(content, ...) - create a highlighted inline todo-note
  • list-todos() - create list of all todo-usages with page of usage and content
  • hide-todos() - hides all usages of todo() in the document


The following functions can be imported from slides, exercise and seminar-paper: definition




  • typos in Readme file


  • math-font and text-font options in slides, exercise.project and seminar-paper.project
  • date-format in slides

Breaking Changes:

  • updated polylux to 0.4.0: replacing #pause in favor of #show: later



  • titles of solutions and hints
  • generation of semester name in german-dates.typ


  • focus-slide in slides
  • header-gutter option in exercise.typ



  • todo, list-todos, hide-todos in todo.typ, importable from slides, exercise.project and seminar-paper.project
  • show-todolist attribute in above templates
  • ignore-points attribute in task and subtask of exercises, so that their points won't be shown in the solution matrix or point distribution
  • comment field and a standard-value for solution matrix via show-solution-matrix-comment-field and solution-matrix-comment-field-value options in exercise.project
  • optional parameter type in slides.task
  • new parameters in slides.slides:
    • head-replacement
    • title-replacement
    • footer
    • page-numbering
    • show-title-slide
    • show-author (on title slide)
    • show-date
    • show-footer
    • show-page-numbers
  • optional parameter show-outline in seminar-paper.project


  • dates.typ becomes german-dates.typ


  • remove forced German from the slides template
  • long headings are now properly aligned
  • subtask counter now resets for each part of task

Breaking Changes:

  • dates becomes german-dates
  • changed all with-outline to show-outline


Typst template suite for papers, presentation slides, exams, and more!







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