The Laravel Queue Manager, manage the queue process worker.
It uses Supervisor as Process Control System.
It also has a scheduler system built-in.
$ composer require pierophp/laravel-queue-manager
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaravelQueueManager\Providers\LaravelQueueManagerServiceProvider"
If you have MySQL version before 5.7, change in the migration the field "schedule_config" from "json" to "text".
$ php artisan migrate
You need to add the provider at the file config/app.php
You need generate a class that extends LaravelQueueManager\AbstractJob.
It's necessary to implement 2 methods:
Method | Description |
getName() | The name of the job |
execute() | The code of the job yourself |
You need create a new instance of your job and call the dispatch() method.
Or use the CLI:
$ php artisan queue-manager:generate-queue queue_name
You can set optional params too:
$ php artisan queue-manager:generate-queue queue_name foo=test,bar=test
To the job work correctly, it is necessary generate a row in the queue_config table.
Field | Description |
name | It's the same of the return of the getName() method. |
class_name | The full path with namespace of your job class (\App\Jobs\TestJob) |
active | If the job is active or not |
schedulable | If the job is schedulable or not |
schedule_config | A JSON config of the schedule. {"method" : "The schedule methods from laravel", "params": "The params to the schedule method (optional)", "props": [ { "my_job_prop": 1 }, { "my_job_prop": 2 } ]} |
max_attemps | The max attempts of the queue |
max_instances | The max parallel instances of the queue |
timeout | The timeout of the queue |
delay | The delay to the next execution (Not implemented yet) |
connection | The connection name of the queue provider. (If null = default) |
aggregator | The aggregator is used to group the queues in a report |
config | The config is used to configure a dynamic functionality. Example json below |
At the queue_manager.php config file you can configure:
Field | Description | Default |
artisan_path | The artisan path | base_path('artisan') |
log_path | The log path | storage_path('logs/worker.log') |
supervisor_config_file | The supervisor config file | /etc/supervisor/conf.d/laravel-queue.conf |
supervisor_bin | The supervisor bin path | /usr/bin/supervisorctl |
supervisor_user | The supervisor user | docker |
supervisor_update_timeout | The supervisor update timeout to gracefully stop the process when a configuration change | 600 |
execute_as_api | Enable the queue as API mode | false |
api_url | URL to run the queue as API mode | |
fallback_connections | Array of fallback connections when first provider fails to dispatch | [] |
$ php artisan queue-manager:show-jobs
You need add to your AppServiceProvider and log as you like:
$this->app['events']->listen(\LaravelQueueManager\Events\ScheduleError::class, function(\LaravelQueueManager\Events\ScheduleError $error){
// my code
$this->app['events']->listen(\LaravelQueueManager\Events\DispatchQueueError::class, function(\LaravelQueueManager\Events\DispatchQueueError $error){
// my code
You need configure a cron to run as root every minute to generate the supervisor config
$ php artisan queue-manager:generate-config
You need configure a cron to run every minute to generate the scheduler
$ php artisan schedule:run
Every time you change the PHP code, it's necessary to restart the queues. Put this at your deploy script.
$ php artisan queue:restart
To easily scale your jobs machine, you can run the queues in API mode. An API is much more easy to apply auto-scale.
In your route configuration file add:
$api->post('queue/process', 'LaravelQueueManager\Http\Controllers\QueueController@process');
Edit in your "queue_manager.php" config file the execute_as_api and api_url options.