This is an OpenFrameworks addon for Kinect V2 using the libfreenect2 library:
Static libraries are provided in this addon for Linux and Windows. If they don't work for you install libfreenect2 from above URL and link to the static (or dynamic) lib.
This addon requires OpenCL to be installed. How to do this is platform specific, see below for more details.
I've tried to model it as close to the original ofxKinect as possible, to make it an easy drop in replacement.
For an addon using Libfreenect2 and OpenNI, check out
You'll need some dependencies installed to get this addon working, most importantly OpenCL.
More general info can be found here -
Before you can run a compiled application you'll need to install the Udev rules in order not to need to be root.
The udev rules are here:
You can install clinfo to verify if you have correctly set up the OpenCL stack, i.e.
sudo apt install clinfo
Under Ubuntu if you have an Intel iGPU you'll need to install the following packages to get the OpenCL backend working:
sudo apt install beignet-dev
Otherwise you'll need these too:
sudo apt install libva-dev
sudo apt install libturbojpeg0-dev
Finally, copy the udev rules listed above to /etc/udev/rules.d You might need to run
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
to reload the rules. Then (re)plug your kinect and you should be good to go.
You'll need your GPU vendor OpenCL SDK. See here for more details: On NVidia, the Cuda package should install OpenCL, you may have it already installed.
Otherwise you'll need these too:
pacman -Sy ocl-icd opencl-headers libjpeg-turbo
The udev rules will need to be copied to:
- Build libfreenect2 by following the instructions here except that instead of building the library as suggested
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/freenect2
You need to build the static library and install it system-wide:
- Then copy the static library to the ofxLibFreenect addon directory:
cd ofxLibFreenect2
cp /usr/local/lib/libfreenect2.a libs/libfreenect2/lib/linux64