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Debbora Leip committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent da69838 commit fdefe85
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Showing 13 changed files with 2,424 additions and 0 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions R/calcAttributes.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#' @title calcAttributes
#' @description provides attributes of different products
#' @param subtype subtype of readProductAttributes function.
#' @return List of magpie objects with results on global level, empty weight, unit and description.
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @seealso
#' [readProductAttributes()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("Attributes")
#' }
calcAttributes <- function(subtype = "Products") {
attributes <- readSource("ProductAttributes", subtype = subtype)
return(list(x = attributes,
weight = NULL,
unit = "t X per t dry matter (DM), except generalizable energy (ge), where it is PJ/Mt DM.",
description = paste("Values from literature survey. See SVN:",
"tools/Nutrients/crop_specifications.ods or livestock_specifications.ods")))
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions R/calcFAOLand.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#' @title calcFAOLand
#' @description Returns physical land areas from FAOSTAT
#' @return land areas from FAOSTAT and weight
#' @author Ulrich Kreidenweis, Kristine Karstens

calcFAOLand <- function() {

data <- readSource("FAO_online", "Land")
data <- data[, , "1000_ha", pmatch = TRUE] # subset all area information
data <- collapseDim(data / 10^3, dim = 3.2) # transform unit, drop unit statement

return(list(x = data,
weight = NULL,
unit = "mio. ha",
description = "land-use categories from FAOSTAT"))
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions R/calcFAOharmonized.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#' @title calcFAOharmonized
#' @description Calculate harmonized FAO Commodity Balance and Food Supply data based on CB, only harvested areas
#' are taken from ProdSTAT. This functions adds the CBCrop, CBLive, FSCrop and FSLive data together.
#' @return FAO harmonized data, weight as NULL, and a description as as a list of MAgPIE objects
#' @author Ulrich Kreidenweis, David Chen, Kristine Karstens
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- calcOutput("FAOharmonized")
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.csv

calcFAOharmonized <- function() {

# input data: Commodity Balance (Crops Primary + Livestock Primary), Food Supply (Crops Primary + Livestock Primary)
cbCrop <- readSource("FAO_online", "CBCrop")
cbLive <- readSource("FAO_online", "CBLive")
fsCrop <- readSource("FAO_online", "FSCrop")
fsLive <- readSource("FAO_online", "FSLive")

cb <- toolFAOcombine(cbLive, cbCrop, combine = "Item")
fs <- toolFAOcombine(fsLive, fsCrop, combine = "Item")
rm(cbCrop, cbLive, fsCrop, fsLive)

faoData <- mbind(cb, fs)

## in addition harvested area from Crops Primary

prod <- readSource("FAO_online", "Crop", convert = TRUE)

## aggregate Prod to CB units
aggregation <- toolGetMapping("FAOitems_online.csv", type = "sectoral", where = "mappingfolder")

# remove aggregate categories
remove <- setdiff(getNames(prod, dim = 1), aggregation$ProductionItem)
prod <- prod[, , remove, invert = TRUE]

areaHarvested <- toolAggregate(prod, rel = aggregation, from = "ProductionItem", to = "FoodBalanceItem",
dim = 3.1, partrel = TRUE)[, , "area_harvested"]

commonyears <- intersect(getYears(areaHarvested), getYears(faoData))

faoData <- mbind(faoData[, commonyears, ], areaHarvested[, commonyears, ])


### add Fodder data ###

fodder <- readSource("FAO", "Fodder")
fodder <- toolExtrapolateFodder(fodder, endyear = max(getYears(faoData, as.integer = TRUE)))
fodder <- add_columns(x = fodder, addnm = "domestic_supply", dim = 3.2)
fodder[, , "domestic_supply"] <- fodder[, , "feed"]
fodderAggregated <- toolAggregate(fodder, rel = aggregation, from = "ProductionItem",
to = "FoodBalanceItem", dim = 3.1, partrel = TRUE)
cyears <- intersect(getYears(faoData), getYears(fodderAggregated))
faoData <- mbind(faoData[, cyears, ], fodderAggregated[, cyears, ])
rm(fodder, fodderAggregated)

faoData[] <- 0

## check if there is data without an element name

## what to do? In case there is data these dimensions should not be deleted

if (any(getItems(faoData, dim = 3.1) == "")) {
if (sum(faoData[, , ""]) == 0) {
faoData <- faoData[, , "", invert = TRUE]
} else {
vcat(1, 'Aggregation created entries without name (""), but containing information. This should not be the case.')

if (any(getNames(faoData) == "remaining.production")) {
remainProd <- mean(dimSums(faoData[, , "remaining.production"], dim = 1) /
dimSums(dimSums(faoData[, , "production"], dim = 3), dim = 1))
if (remainProd > 0.02) vcat(1, "Aggregation created a 'remaining' category. Production is",
round(remainProd, digits = 3) * 100, "% of total \n")
if (any(getNames(faoData) == "remaining.area_harvested")) {
remainArea <- mean(dimSums(faoData[, , "remaining.area_harvested"], dim = 1) /
dimSums(dimSums(faoData[, , "area_harvested"], dim = 3), dim = 1))
if (remainArea > 0.02) vcat(1, "Aggregation created a 'remaining' category. The area harvested is",
round(remainArea, digits = 3) * 100, "% of total \n")

# conversion from tonnes to Mt, hectares to Mha and 10^6kcal to 10^12kcal.
faoData <- faoData / 10^6

return(list(x = faoData,
weight = NULL,
description = "FAO Commodity Balance and Food Supply data",
unit = "Unit in Mt/yr, for area Mha, calories in 10^12 kcal/yr",
note = "food_supply_kcal, protein_supply and fat_supply were calculated from per capita per day values"))

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