Big Rig is based on WP Rig
A modified project intended to remove some of the bloat from the WP Rig build process and alter other aspects but maintain that structure and build upon the PHP templating framework.
Big Rig requires the following dependencies. Full installation instructions are provided at their respective websites.
- Modified build process
- Removed PostCSS support & related styles.
- Integrated Sass, restructured existing styles to Sass notation
- Disabled style linting
- Disabled BrowserSync by default
- Removed PHP CodeSniff functionality
- Added dependencyFiles.js to copy required files from node_modules
- Add new production dependencies for structure and commonly used libraries
- gulp-sass
- @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro
- License stored in npmconfig. If this doesn't work contact
- bootstrap
- includes entire library. Stripped back SCSS and no JS used by default
- slick-carousel
- Removed Custom Header and Custom Background Components
- Add new Components
- Helper Functions
- Cleanup Functions
- Gravity Forms
- Slick carousel
- Header Code
For more info on build process see WP Rig github page and wiki