This is the accompanying repository for the paper "Replication Study of 'Fairness and Bias in Online Selection'" as published in ReScience C. This work was part of the ML Reproducibility Challenge 2021 for the course 'Fairness, Accountability, Confidentiality and Transparency in AI' as part of the Msc Artifical Intelligence program at the University of Amsterdam.
The 'python implementation' folder includes our own Python based implementation in two seperate directories: one for the secretary and one for the prophet implementation.
In order to run all files use either: 'pip install ipynb tqdm dataframe_image pickle typing' to install the less common libraries or use the supplied fact_ai.yml environment file to install all required dependencies in one go. This will make sure all required dependencies for all steps of this reproducibility study are installed (the actual algorithms, generating data, and analysis).
To run the notebooks containing the results mentioned in the paper, run the following notebooks:
- in 'python implementation/secretary/Secretary_Evalulation.ipynb' jupyter notebook in order to run the results for all secretary experiments used in the paper.
- in 'python implementation/prophet/prophet_results.ipynb' jupyter notebook in order to run general results for the prophet experiments used in the paper.
- in 'python implementation/prophet/prophet_results_extension.ipynb' jupyter notebook in order to run results for the prophet extension used in the paper.
All of these notebooks contain only the neccesary calls to produce the results. Further implementations and notebooks to run the experiments can be found in the folders 'secretary' and 'prophet' respectively.
The notebook runs the two synthetic experiments and retrieves saved results for the real datasets. We do not run the real data experiments (by default) because 1) the data is too large to upload it on github and 2) the experiments take a long time
If you want to run the real data experiments, follow the next steps:
- Download the data
- a) For the Bank dataset, download bank_train.csv:
- b) For the Pokec dataset, download soc-pokec-profilex.txt and soc-pokec-relationships.txt:
- Rename the files:
a) bank_raw.csv
b) soc-pokec-profilex.txt, soc-pokec-relationships.txt
- Place the files in FACT-Ai\python implementation\secretary\data
- Open and uncomment all experiments from the run_experiments() method (lines 128-129,137-147)
- Run the secretary_experiments_results.ipynb notebook
- Enjoy our findings!
To allow for version control of jupyter notebooks, please run:
pip install jupytext Having this package installed -- in combination with the jupytext.toml file already present in the master branch of the repo -- every time you save a notebook, a copy will automatically be created in .py format. From every created .py file, an equivalent .ipynb notebook file can be created. In this way, we can push and pull our .py files, and recreate the notebooks locally.
To reconstruct a notebook from a .py file, run:
jupytext --to notebook
If any questions arise, either with regards to results, implementation or the paper please don't hesistate to contact us.