My nginx build files.
Example Web Server -
- CentOS / Red Hat -
yum install jemalloc-devel libuuid-devel libatomic libatomic_ops-devel expat-devel unzip autoconf automake libtool gd-devel libmaxminddb-devel libxslt-devel libxml2-devel gcc-c++ curl
- Ubuntu / Debian -
apt install libjemalloc-dev uuid-dev libatomic1 libatomic-ops-dev expat unzip autoconf automake libtool libgd-dev libmaxminddb-dev libxslt1-dev libxml2-dev g++ curl
- Clone this repository -
git clone --recursive
- Install dependency library. (If you have already install it, omit it.)
- Edit for file. (SERVER_HEADER, Modules, ETC.)
- If you receive the source for the first time, type the following command to set it.
- Then modify
- Run
sudo ./
- Install systemd file (If you have already install it, omit it.)
- Check version and error test :
nginx -v; nginx -t;
- Run
systemctl restart nginx
- The END!!
- Auto SSL Cipher settings
- The following information is preset. Do not set it yourself unless you need it.
- ssl_protocols : TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
- ssl_prefer_server_ciphers : On
- ssl_ecdh_curve : X25519:P-256:P-384
- ssl_session_timeout : 64800 (< TLSv1.3)
- ssl_session_timeout_tls13 : 172800 (TLSv1.3 only)
- DO NOT USE ssl_dhparam. Not required.
- Use the settings below to support older browsers. (TLS Protocol)
- ssl_protocols : TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
- TLS v1.3
- Prefers ChaCha20 suites with clients that don't have AES-NI(AES hardware acceleration) (e.g., Android devices)
- Support CHACHA20-draft by @JemmyLoveJenny.
- More library!
- headers_more_nginx_module
- Google PageSpeed for nginx
- and the other.
- Support HPACK, SSL Dynamic TLS Records. (Thanks to cloudflare!)
- SSL Strict-SNI (ex: http { strict_sni on; } ) (Thanks to @JemmyLoveJenny)
- Strict SNI requires at least two ssl server settings (server { listen 443 ssl }).
- If you do not have two server settings, SNI will not be enabled and Strict SNI will not be enabled.
- It does not matter what kind of certificate or duplicate.
- Use "strict_sni_header on" if you do not want to respond to invalid headers. (only with strict_sni)
- GeoIP2 Module - Issues #2
- Check the following page for GeoIP2 settings method.
- Auto build (rpm, deb, etc.)
- Memory sharing(shm) for OCSP Stapling.
- ETC.
- SPDY (Not compatible this version.)
- GeoIP (Changed to GeoIP2.)