This scripts enables and disables the Hyper-V Hyper-visor so you van use VMware or VirtualBox
These BAT files add "hyperv-enable" and "hyperv-disbale" commands to your CMD or PowerShell
WHY? If you have Hyper-V installed, Microsoft kindly locks out any other hypervisor from working. Note: This script is not a fix! You still can only use one or the other at a time, its more like a switch. But you dont need to uninstall any...
(PowerShell needs to be installed)
How to setup this script These bat files work out of the box. This tutorial shows you how to have it "installed" in you system. Want to use the manual method? Launch the hyperv-disable-script.bat (or hyperv-enable-script.bat) as admin Or just launch hyperv-enable.bat / hyperv-disable.bat
put these bat files in a folder accessable by all users that will be using this command
To get these command to work globally (without having to type C:\Users{username}>{path to file}\hyperv-disable.bat) you need to add these files to you PATH
in the start menu search for "advanced system settings"
a "System Properties" windows should open and should be in the "Advanced" tab
click "Environmental Variables..." button
if you want these commands to be system-wide then use "System variables" if you want these commands available ONLY to your user then use "User variables for {username}
click on "Path" then click the "Edit..." button for the variables you want to edit
click on "New"
type the folder location you put your bat files in E.G. C:\Users{username}\customscripts
click "OK" on all three windows
Now open a command prompt and type one of these commands. (the script will ask for admin rights)
NOTE: You can now add any bat you exe files you want into this folder and it will work as a command in any CMD or PowerShell window, in any directory
Who needs this?
This script will allow you to have any other hypervisor installed at the same time as Hyper-V. For those that need two or more hypervisors
Why was this made?
I need to use Hyper-V for a very specific environment but I like VMware much better
How does this work?
This script disbales or enables the microsoft hypervisor on boot
Is there any downsides?
Yes. You need to reboot for changes to take affect. Dont worry the script can help with that.
by RawSlugs