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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 14, 2019. It is now read-only.


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144c664 · Nov 13, 2019


87 Commits
Jul 29, 2019
Jul 29, 2019
May 14, 2017
Nov 27, 2017
Jul 29, 2019
Jul 29, 2019
May 10, 2017
May 18, 2017
Mar 25, 2017
Nov 13, 2019
May 18, 2017
May 10, 2017
Mar 14, 2017
Apr 15, 2017
Jun 22, 2017

Note: This project is no longer actively maintained by Pinterest.



What is soundwave

Soundwave is a searchable EC2 inventory store. It tracks all the current and historic EC2 instances with their metadata. It has three parts:

  • A java based worker system to synchronize EC2 data and push to the elastic search store.
  • A RESTful API layer to provide access to instance data and search.
  • A UI dashboard for end users to perform ad hoc search.

At Pinterest, Soundwave is the foundation of our Configuration Management Database which serves as the source of truth for our EC2 instance information. The data is used for service management, visibility, and finance purposes. This engineering blog ( contains the detail informations

Why use soundwave

Soundwave is useful for companies which operate EC2 at scale and require to track usage and instance meta data. While the AWS console and EC2 API can already be used to access the metadata of EC2 instances, there are some limitations that prompted us to build an internal data store.

  1. AWS EC2 API has a rate limit which makes it unsuitable for direct querying of machine information from automation systems.
  2. AWS doesn’t persist metadata and instance information for terminated instances. This makes it difficult to track usage history and diagnostic issues of these terminated instances.
  3. In AWS, EC2 schema can only be extended in a limited way with the use of tags.
  4. EC2 API has very limited support for querying beyond simple filtering.

In addition, We built Soundwave to bring to life the following benefits:

  1. A dedicated tracking of EC2 instances in our elasticsearch store helps us achieve a better query performance than EC2 API. This means getting information about all running instances takes roughly 5 seconds in Soundwave, but more than a minute from EC2 API.
  2. It creates a cloud agnostic abstraction layer for configuration management that makes it easier to support hybrid cloud scenarios

Getting Started

1. Clone the repository

git clone

2. Setup AWS Credentials

Soundwave uses Terraform to provision the required infrastructure for running the service.

Terraform requires AWS credentials (Access and Secret Key) of a privileged user.

$ vi soundwave/terraform/

provider "aws" {
  access_key = "<<Your Access Key>>"
  secret_key = "<<Your Secret Key>>"
  region     = "<<Your AWS Region>>"

3. Run Terraform

$ cd soundwave/terraform
$ terraform apply

4. Update Properties

Use the AWS region and your account number in the fields shown below

(Note: Account Number is available on the AWS console under MyAccount section)

$ vi soundwave/worker/config/


5. Build the project

mvn clean package

6. Update docker-compose

Update the docker-compose.yml file to use your AWS Access and Secret keys

$ vi soundwave/docker-compose.yml

version: '2'
    build: ./worker
      - CONFIG_FILE=config/
      - TEST_CONFIG=1
      - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<<key_id>>
      - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<<access_key>>

7. Run docker-compose

docker-compose up

8. Create Elastic search indexes

$ cd worker/scripts
$ ./ http://localhost:9200/soundwave_prod
$ ./ http://localhost:9200/soundwave_ss

9. Launch an EC2 instance through the AWS console or aws-cli command line

10. See the results

Results can be seen on one of the following:

   "took": 38,
   "timed_out": false,
   "_shards": {
      "total": 1,
      "successful": 1,
      "failed": 0
   "hits": {
      "total": 1,
      "max_score": 1,
      "hits": [
            "_index": "soundwave_prod",
            "_type": "instance",
            "_id": "i-01c085b645bffcf6f",
            "_score": 1,
            "_source": {
               "id": "i-01c085b645bffcf6f",
               "region": "us-east-1",
               "location": "us-east-1b",
               "state": "running",
               "created_time": "2017-03-21T18:57:56.571+0000",
               "updated_time": "2017-03-21T18:58:27.577+0000",
               "terminated_time": null,
               "vpc_id": "vpc-b58320d0",
               "subnet_id": "subnet-dcfc3cab",
               "aws_launch_time": "2017-03-22T03:49:18.000+0000",
               "security_groups": null,
               "security_group_ids": null,
               "tags": null,
               "cloud": {
                  "aws": {
                     "subnetId": "subnet-dcfc3cab",
                     "kernelId": null,
                     "ramdiskId": null,
                     "virtualizationType": "hvm",
                     "amiLaunchIndex": 0,
                     "enaSupport": true,
                     "stateReason": null,
                     "sourceDestCheck": true,
                     "platform": null,
                     "instanceId": "i-01c085b645bffcf6f",
                     "vpcId": "vpc-b58320d0",
                     "hypervisor": "xen",
                     "rootDeviceName": "/dev/xvda",
                     "state": {
                        "code": 16,
                        "name": "running"
                     "productCodes": [],
                     "architecture": "x86_64",
                     "ebsOptimized": false,
                     "imageId": "ami-0b33d91d",
                     "blockDeviceMappings": [
                           "ebs": {
                              "volumeId": "vol-0305a977aad819e7f",
                              "deleteOnTermination": true,
                              "attachTime": 1490154559000,
                              "status": "attached"
                           "deviceName": "/dev/xvda"
                     "stateTransitionReason": "",
                     "publicIpAddress": "",
                     "clientToken": "EtnOD1490154557345",
                     "instanceType": "t2.micro",
                     "keyName": "lidaec2key",
                     "publicDnsName": "",
                     "monitoring": "disabled",
                     "iamInstanceProfile": null,
                     "privateIpAddress": "",
                     "instanceLifecycle": null,
                     "rootDeviceType": "ebs",
                     "tags": [],
                     "launchTime": 1490154558000,
                     "spotInstanceRequestId": null,
                     "networkInterfaces": [
                           "networkInterfaceId": "eni-0c2febee",
                           "subnetId": "subnet-dcfc3cab",
                           "privateIpAddresses": [
                                 "association": {
                                    "ipOwnerId": "amazon",
                                    "publicIp": "",
                                    "publicDnsName": ""
                                 "privateDnsName": null,
                                 "privateIpAddress": "",
                                 "primary": true
                           "description": "Primary network interface",
                           "groups": [
                                 "groupName": "launch-wizard-8",
                                 "groupId": "sg-7465ce0b"
                           "association": {
                              "ipOwnerId": "amazon",
                              "publicIp": "",
                              "publicDnsName": ""
                           "ipv6Addresses": [],
                           "ownerId": "093574427811",
                           "sourceDestCheck": true,
                           "privateIpAddress": "",
                           "macAddress": "0a:f0:41:07:19:aa",
                           "attachment": {
                              "attachmentId": "eni-attach-3a2f6802",
                              "deleteOnTermination": true,
                              "deviceIndex": 0,
                              "attachTime": 1490154558000,
                              "status": "attached"
                           "vpcId": "vpc-b58320d0",
                           "privateDnsName": null,
                           "status": "in-use"
                     "sriovNetSupport": null,
                     "privateDnsName": "ip-172-30-1-227.ec2.internal",
                     "securityGroups": [
                           "groupName": "launch-wizard-8",
                           "groupId": "sg-7465ce0b"
                     "placement": {
                        "availabilityZone": "us-east-1b",
                        "groupName": "",
                        "tenancy": "default",
                        "hostId": null,
                        "affinity": null,
                        "availability_zone": "us-east-1b"
               "aws_status": null,
               "token": null,
               "cached": 0

Some example queries in UI (follows ES syntax):

  • id:i-123456789abce
  • aws_launch_time:>now-1d OR terminated_time:>now-1d


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