An unofficial patch for Deus Ex (1.113u), fixing issues without changing the balance or gameplay.
The first step is to create Issues representing bugs in the game. I will then consider which should be fixed, and in what way.
Unlike other mods such as the excellent Shifter and Biomod, this aims to strictly correct problems in the game without affecting its balance or gameplay. Potential Issues fall into these categories:
- Bug: Clearly a simple bug in the game, which can be fixed without affecting gameplay in any way. (Example: Missing music in the last visit to Hell's Kitchen)
- Niggle: Possibly intended, but generally agreed to be broken to the point of causing significant inconvenience, and can be fixed without substantially affecting balance. (Examples: Laser sight does not turn on automatically; adding a scope to a laser-sighted weapon changes the behaviour of the laser; Paul's fate is decided in an unfair way)
- Technical: Related to the game engine itself and how well it runs on current systems. (Examples: There are rendering issues on modern machines; cannot change FoV; GUI scaling problems)
- YMMV: Widely understood to be potentially suboptimal, but cannot be fixed in an unobtrusive way. As a general rule, these will not be fixed. (Examples: The Plasma Rifle is significantly weaker than it should be)
- Missing Content: Content that is present in the game files, but cannot be accessed in-game for any reason. A subjective decision must be made whether to restore it, based on second-guessing the reason for its removal in the first place. If the content notably affects the plot rather than simply being flavour, we should assume its removal was intentional and keep it removed. (Examples: Talking to Ford after rescuing him; the VoIP conversation in LaGuardia; Manderley's safe)
- Exploits: Bugs which are unlikely to be triggered accidentally, but could be intentionally exploited as a cheat. As a general rule, these will not be fixed since exploiting them is the player's conscious decision. (Examples: Infinite skill points; Unlimited lockpicks/multitools; Keeping your weapons when captured)
- Additions/Enhancements: Completely new or improved fan content, such as new items/augmentations or high-res textures. These will not be included unless absolutely neccesary to fix another, severe issue. The intent of this mod is that it could have been released as an official patch; only actual issues witt the original game are of interest.