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This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.7.4.

Integrating ngrx

Final step

  • Install jasmine-marbles
  • Write a hot marble/observable that will emulate a stream of actions
  • Write a cold marble/observable that will emulate the behaviour of the effect
  • Compare them using expect(...).toBeObservable(...)

Exercise 3

  • Use the effect from Ex2 to pass collection from router store to ShelfService.getData
  • Adjust ShelfService.getData to filter out books depending on the collection (optional argument)
  • Hide shelves in BooksShelfComponent based on the value of mode$ (collection).
  • Remove data filtering data logic from BooksShelfComponent

Exercise 2

  • Add an Effect to your effects class, that will start fetching books when ROUTER_NAVIGATION action appears
  • Write selectors that will help you get store.router.state.params.collection that tells which shelf is selected.
  • Use these selectors to set mode$ in BooksShelfComponent

Step 8

  • Go to your reducer and clear items in the initial state,
  • Go to books-shelf.component.html and hide div.collection_container when books are not loaded with *ngIf
  • Add there a notification that books are loading

Step 7

  • Install @ngrx/router-store package
  • Extend NgrxModuleState to have router key of type RouterReducerState<RouterStateUrl> - the RouterStateUrl was implemented for you in store/router-store.ts
  • Import and register routerReducer in your present ActionReducerMap (suggested key: router)
  • Wire up StoreRouterConnectingModule.forRoot({ stateKey: 'router' }) with your module
  • Add { provide: RouterStateSerializer, useClass: CustomSerializer } to your module providers. CustomSerializer is implemented in store/router-store.ts.

Step 6

  • Install @ngrx/store-devtools
  • Install in your web browser the Redux Devtools Extension
  • Wire-up StoreDevToolsModule.instrument({ maxAge: 25 }) with your module

Exercise 1

  • Implement adding a new book: ** Create AddBook action ** Handle the action in the reducer ** Dispatch the action in BooksShelfComponent in appropriate handler

Step 5

  • Remove unused methods from ShelfService
  • Add ShelfService.fetchBooks method that will return books with some delay, to emulate the HTTP request behaviour (maybe use timer from rxjs)
  • Be sure that ShelfService returns other titles than in the default state
  • Install @ngrx/effects package
  • Add LoadBooks and BooksLoaded actions, handle them in the reducer (add loading: boolean state)
  • Write an effect that reloads books on LoadBooks action and emits BooksLoaded action
  • Register the effect with EffectsModule.forRoot
  • Add a button that will dispatch LoadBooks action

Step 4

  • Implement UpdateBook action that will be dispatched when e.g. moving a book
  • Handle updating a book in the reducer:
    • Notice that there's no invariant property, so introduce id
    • Assign unique id to a NgrxBook, use uuid package
    • Handle an update action that carries an id
  • Test the reducer (think of it as comparing state after passing an action with expected state)
  • Dispatch the update action on book move (BookShelfComponent)

Step 3

  • Refactor BooksShelfComponent to use | async instead of subscribing to books$
  • Extract books selection logic to store/selectors.ts, use createSelector function,
  • Write a unit test for your reducer

Step 2

  • Inject Store<NgrxModuleState> to the BooksShelfComponent
  • Use the store to render books in BooksShelfComponent:
    • Stop using the service in getData
    • Fetch all books from the store using select operator,
    • Temporarily subscribe to the store and assign them to the existing books field
    • Map the book collection to a filtered one, based on this.mode (if set)

Since we're not relying on internal component state anymore, adding books won't work for a while.

Step 1

  • Install @ngrx/store package
  • Write your first reducer, HINT: (State, Action) => State
  • Add initial, default state to your reducer
  • Wire up the reducer with the module using StoreModule.forRoot method and ActionReducerMap


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  • TypeScript 81.4%
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