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Reactshop is an online shopping web page demo crafted for a React Workshop.

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Reactshop is an open-source online shopping application. It's main purpose is to serve as an example of React app during the React workshop, so the README file contains all steps that are taken to create this app.


Step 9 - Linking

Let's make some final refinements:

  • Update CategoryItem: react-router-dom provides Link component that allows navigating and accepts to property with url.
  • Update CategoryGrid to display actual categories' names instead of ids.
  • Get rid of the click handler ;)

Step 8 - Lifting state

Notice that now there are two places where we would need information about categories. Those places (URLs / and /category/:id) can be visited independently so they both would need to make a request to the API. However, we may decide to make a single call in parent component - CategoryLayout.

  • Lift the categories state from CategoryGrid to CategoryLayout, move the fetching logic.
  • Now CategoryGrid needs to receive categories from CategoryLayout state via props. To achieve that, replace component in appropriate Route with render. The render property of Route expects a function in form: (props: Object) => React.Element.
  • Modify CategoryGrid to render categories from props
  • Update analogously the Route for CategoryDetails component. Observe, that function in <Route render will be called with props with URL metadata like that comes from the URL (/categories/:id). Use it to pass appropriate category to CategoryDetails.
  • Ensure that both CategoryGrid and CategoryDetails rely on data received in props. Edge case: there's a moment before data is fetched (use loading pattern).

Step 7 - Declarative Routing

  • Run npm install --save react-router-dom

  • In the App component import BrowserRouter and Route from the package.

  • Wrap the App contents with a router:

        <Route path="/" component={CategoryLayout}/> {/* Matches path beginning with `/` */}
  • Modify CategoryLayout: wrap CategoryGrid so that appropriate component is shown on the matching URL:

        <Route exact path="/" component={CategoryGrid} />
        <CategoryDetails category={this.category} />
  • Check these two URLs:

    Ensure that CategoryGrid is only shown on the former.

Exercise 3 - Manipulating state, fetching from API

  • Add initial state to CategoryDetails - it will store data about products
  • Add loading property to the state, default it to the true. Ensure that you're not attempting to render products when loading is true (display a nice message instead)
  • Component CategoryDetails should fetch products to display. Make a call to Products API and store the response. Update state with loading: false.
  • Update the template to render actual products' names instead of ids

Exercise 2 - Writing components

  • Create CategoryDetails class component. It should to inherit from React.Component.

  • Define a category member in CategoryLayout. Render CategoryDetails here and pass the category to it as a property.

  • Assign one of the entities that can be found in the API http://localhost:3001/categories to the category member (hard code the value).

  • Render the CategoryDetails component using following template - fill it with the actual values:

    <div className="category-details">
      <h1>[Category name]</h1>
        <li>[product-0]</li> {/* These are products' ids */}
        <li>[product-1]</li> {/* List is generated dynamically */} 

Step 6 - Events handling

Event handling in React is similar to that in HTML. However, the attributes are all the same but written in camelcase and we're passing a function reference to them.

  • CategoryItem is now a dumb component, meaning all the business logic goes to some smart component above it, like CategoryGrid. Prepare a method of CategoryGrid and pass it to CategoryItem as a prop - it'll handle click on the item.
  • Within CategoryItem use onClick to handle clicking event to the rendered div. Pass the function received in the props.

Step 5 - Functional components

For a dumb component that only accept props and render html we may simplify our code using functional components. They do not have their state nor lifecycle hooks.

  • Extract header from App.js as a functional component
  • Refactor CategoryItem to be function that accepts props object and returns rendered HTML

Step 4 - lifecycle hooks, fetching from API

React components can have various methods that will be called by the library in various moments of component lifecycle. We'll use them to fetch data from the API. Some of them are: componentDidMount, componentShouldUpdate, componentDidUpdate, componentWillUnmount and componentDidCatch.

  • Check what the API returns at http://localhost:3001/categories.
  • Clear the initial state in CategoryGrid.
  • Declare componentDidMount method in the component. Refer to browsers' native Fetch API to fetch data from the server.
  • When data is successfully fetched, update the state with this.setState method.

Step 3 - Component state

In this step we're introducing component state

  • Declare class member state within CategoryGrid. As this is the component default internal state, initialize it with an empty object.
  • Add a categories property to the component initial state that will hold a list of categories to be rendered.
  • Render CategoryItem elements based on the aforementioned list.
  • Clean up: move the array of categories from CategroryLayout to the state of CategoryGrid. We'll no longer need the prop categories.

Exercise 1 - Writing container components

  • Create CategoryLayout component.
  • Render a div inside it
  • Move rendering CategoryGrid from the App component to CategoryLayout
  • Render CategoryLayout inside App.

Step 2 - Extracting Components. Components props.

  • Create a CategoryItem component that will render the same div as previously was used inside the container
  • Render a property called name within the div
  • Use the component in App.js inside existing div.category-grid container
  • Create a CategoryGrid component
  • Assume the component accepts categories array as property. Use map method to produce multiple CategoryItems within render method
  • Use the component in App

Step 1 - Warm up

Our first goal is to create a Homepage that a user will see when visiting our shop. It will display the page layout and categories available for shopping.

  • Look around in App.js. It is a right place to render a grid of categories. Add div container and some div elements inside it. You can use category-grid and category-item classes that already have some CSS styles assigned. Add a few categories.

Step 0

The initial application was bootstrapped with create-react-app but it also is combined with an API server made with Express JS. In order to run the app, please first ensure that you've installed all dependencies with npm install, then go for npm start.


Reactshop is an online shopping web page demo crafted for a React Workshop.






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