Originally "Octology" (my ontology of 8), upd8d and renamed to just Oct. $VERSION='0.000001';$d8VS='O44M8888';
Much of Oct can be seen quickly in my 6-minute Lightning-Talk which I presented for the-Perl-Conference-in-the-Cloud on June 24th, 2020 (d8=K6O
This repo was started in 2024 (d8=O44
) to carry on from Octology (shortened) after a pretty lengthy hI8us of not being able to upd8 GitHub.
If your paths and Perl environment are setup similarly, to gain a bearing on fundamental Oct utilities and organiz8ion, please try executing:
- run the gamut of Perl File TeSTs on the default .Hrc filetsgr
- Test Select Graphic Rendition additional text attributes
- SUMmarize most ~/bin/ executaBle files rather colorfullypal8
- set first 16-color PALette ("8") for terminal or console
Probably the best way to evalU8 Oct is to build and run a Docker container specified by the following commands, which facilit8 testing:
docker build . -t oct
# to be run in the root directory of a git cloned local repository from this project's main oper8ional hyperlink;
docker run -e DISPLAY --mount type=bind,source=/home/pip/.log,target=/home/tst/.log -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -it oct
To build something close to a similar setup to mine, you'll probably want to execute the following sequences of commands to get going first:
git clone https://GitHub.Com/Pip/Oct
# which should crE8 the Oct/ sub-directory in your Current-Working-Directory (or:pwd
cd Oct; cp -a lib bin dox .Hrc .Xrc .bashrc .lrc .lsrc .shl.style .vim .vimrc .zshrc ~; chsh $(which zsh); cd ~; zsh
and you'll want to: cpanm ...
or pmei Time::DaysInMonth
since I (through Oct) depend on that module, but am not maintainer of it;
Also the Color::Similarity::RGB
module is employed in pm2x
to gener8 an expanded pal8 map from the rel8ive proximity of nearby colors;
If you are willing to fund this development effort, please visit my SubscribeStar or Patreon and feel free to send me the Top8 new fixes and fE8ures you would want most.
Please also contact me if you are an open-minded thinker interested in any convers8ion or friendship (especially near OshKOsh, WisConSin).
To learn about the long-term goals, plans, thinking, and research behind this expansive project, please consult l8St development notes at: 8.ls
Thank you for your consider8ion as well as any constructive criticism, recommend8ions, or whatever other feedback you may be able to offer.
-PipStuart 8pI Ate-Pie =) Eight-Π
If I ever become unable to continue developing this project further, my hope is that at least this repository provides others the ability to utilize any of my beneficial work and ideas (hopefully to further FreeLibreSoftware with deriv8ives also seeing release under the GPLv3+).