Compute High Order Impedance Boundary Condition (HOIBC) coefficients by a constrained optimisation problem
git clone
make CXXC=g++ -j
This code is a C++ implementation of the Fortran which was written during my Ph.D thesis to provides a library to compute HOIBC coefficients that garantees the uniqueness of the solution of the exterior Maxwell equations. To do so, we solve a constrained optimisation problem using SQP method.
Theses coefficient takes curvatures into account, as the local infinite cylinder and the sphere are implemented along with the classic infinite plane.
This program needs
- LAPACKE. On Ubuntu, the apt command is
apt get liblapacke-dev
A Makefile is provided. To print all makefile recipes and options, run
make help
A src/test
folder is present and check accuracy of bessel functions, the overloaded operator*
and the hoibc::norm
To launch thoses test, run
make run_test
A sample program is provided in the src/main
folder. This program
- reads a json filename from the command line and initialise a
structure accordingly, - pass this struct the
function, - compute the errors between the IBC and the exact impedance operator.
To run it, launch
make run ARGS=input.json
This code has been tested with and should run with at least
g++ 9.3.0
clang 10.0
Newer version should compile and run fine.
- P. Payen, O. Lafitte, B Stupfel, "A high order impedance boundary condition with uniqueness conditions to solve thetime harmonic Maxwell’s equations", Proceedings 14th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation. Book of Abstracts,, direct link
- P. Payen, "Modélisation précise d'un matériaux hétérogène en hyperfréquence par une condition d'impédance d'ordre élevé", Ph.D Université Paris 13, Dec. 2019,
- S. Bochkanov, "ALGLIB 3.16.0 for C++" (
- The original sourcecode and the modifications are released under a GNU GPL license.