A library for pwning things in deno.
- Deno
- radare2
- That's it!
This works only on x86-64 linux.
Grab license_1 from here. It is a simple license check. Make sure you chmod +x
it before proceeding.
Now, how to pwn it?
deno run https://deno.land/x/pwn/strings_as_key.ts --target path/to/license1
You should see see it get compiled and print some log output:
[+] Grabbing strings...
[+] Checking [0/6]
[+] Checking [1/6]
[+] Found key: AAAA-Z10N-42-OK
Of course, there will be pretty colors if your terminal supports them
$ ./license_1 AAAA-Z10N-42-OK
Checking License: AAAA-Z10N-42-OK
Access Granted!
ISC License, see LICENSE.md
typedoc --excludeNotExported --excludeNotDocumented --theme ~/.nvm/versions/node/v13.8.0/lib/node_modules/eledoc/bin/default/ --name DenoPwn ./mod.ts --out docs/ --ignoreCompilerErrors