The Codam 5 Year anniversary is comming up and we are asked to help organise a small part during the celebration. We will be involved with 3 activities:
- The peer to peer workshop.
- Presenting the Fun in failure project and our canvas during the VIP round.
- Presenting the Fun in failure project and our canvas during the day.
The organisers for these combined activities are: Joppe, Mees, Laura, Kenny & Oswin.
There are 10 volunteers registered: Jelle Jan Tycho Kwok Johanna Eluse Flip Timothee Jeroen Sietse
We will use this repository to organise documentation for the event. Feedback on any part of the planning is welcome and can be raised either as an issue on github or through a slack message.
The separate activities all have their own directory with a readme doc. Those readmes will contain the activities specific information.