Bootstrap a Rails 2.3 app with a template
Branch shuffling.
master => choosy golden => master authlogic is untouched restful_authentication is untouched- master is what we use ourselves, the explanation of what it has is this doc
- choosy is a template that allows you to choose your auth method from Authlogic, Clearance, restful_authentication or none
- authlogic generates an app with authlogic code
- restful_authentication generates an app with restful_authentication code
Keep in mind that once we decided on this setup the others have not been maintained.
- Haml views
- Sass stylesheets
- jQuery 1.4
- jQueryUI 1.7
- Blackbird for UI debugging
- CC.rb rake task
- Capistrano with Staging and Production environments
- A default ‘home’ controller in place of index.html
- A strappy rake task to install commonly used plugins, lifted from Bort and modified
Admittedly this thing kind of steps out side of the box in what I believe they intended application templates to do by bringing in controllers and specs.
- authlogic
- Capistrano to deploy the app
- config_reader to manage the app configuration
- friendly_id for pretty URLs
- gem_tools to manage gems and versions
- haml
- Rcov to help make sure you are testing
- RSpec for testing
- Cucumber for testing
- will_paginate for pagination
- seed-fu for seeding your DB
- bundle-fu for tidy includes
- jRails to handle jQuery
- core_extensions a bunch of common hacks I find myself using
- uberkit to make forms less painful
- acts_as_configurable
- acts_as_list
- acts_as_rated
- acts_as_solr
- acts_as_taggable_on_steroids
- acts_as_textiled
- acts_as_tree
- bundle_fu
- open_id_authentication
- shoulda
- solr_pagination
- spawn
- textile_editor_helper
- upload_column
- workling
- yaripe
You can use rake haml:from:format to convert templates to Haml, where format would generally be erb or rhtml
rails -m app_name