This is an example of using covariant mediation through the mapping of interfaces. This example uses the new Robotlegs2 framework (swc included for ease of use)
This example shows how to dynamically create mediators for each interface that a view implements. This allows us to use multiple mediators for a given view, allowing for a single responsibility type approach(SOLID).
The maps 2 interfaces to 2 mediators: IStatusDisplayable ).toMediator( StatusProvider ); IScoreDisplayable ).toMediator( ScoreProvider );
When a view is added to stage that implements either of these interfaces, the mediators will be created and injected with the view(cast as the interface).
The example shows how to use 3 different types of views.
- mxml view already on stage.
- as3 view already on stage.
- as3 view instantiated after context initialization.