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pixelsaurus committed Jul 29, 2024
1 parent 6bd8cd2 commit ab3b306
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158 changes: 25 additions & 133 deletions
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@@ -1,142 +1,34 @@
This repository is meant to provide boilerplate code and a basic guide to get started using NVFLARE to make federated computations for COINTSAC.

- [Hello World Tutorial](./docs/
- [Computation Development Notes](./docs/

# What is NVFLARE?

- NVFLARE is an open-source federated learning tool developed by NVIDIA.

- You can find NVIDIA's documentation and source code here:


# Using NVFLARE to develop computations

## Overview

- An NVFLARE Application is the specific computation or learning model you develop. It encapsulates the custom logic and algorithms necessary for your federated learning computation. See the `app/` folder in this repository.

- NVFLARE provides tools for you to develop and test your application:

- NVFLARE Simulator

- These tools automate the following steps to running a federated computation:

- Provisioning: Provisioning a project creates startup kits for various components (sites, server, and admin) necessary for your federated network.
- Deployment: Launching and connecting the server, sites, and admin components using scripts provided in the startup kits.
- Execution: Submitting a job that runs your custom app across the federated network.

- Try running the app in Simulator and POC mode, then try modifying the app code.
- Use the following programming guide for developing your own app:

## Developing in a container

- You can choose to develop inside a container or on your local host system.
- If you choose to develop in a container you can use the following command to build a dev docker image

docker build -t nvflare-pt -f Dockerfile-dev .

- You can launch the container by running `./`
- If you're using windows, launch the container by using the following command:

docker run --rm -it ^
--ipc=host --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 ^
--name flare ^
-v %cd%:/workspace ^
-w //workspace ^

## Developing on local machine

Install the nvflare package:
## coinstac-nvflare-ssr-csv
COINSTAC/NVFlare Code for Single-Shot Regression (SSR) on CSV Based Data

### Example Parameters
python3 -m pip install nvflare==2.4.0
"y_headers": ["L_hippo","R_hippo","Tot_hippo"],
"X_headers": ["MDD","Age","Sex","ICV"],
"Lambda": 1

Make sure the following environment variables are set:
### Example Data Format
This application/algorithm requires two files per participating site:
1. covarariates.csv
2. data.csv

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:[path to this dir + ./app/code/]
export NVFLARE_POC_WORKSPACE=[path to this dir + ./poc-workspace/]

## NVFLARE Simulator

- The FL Simulator is a lightweight simulator of a running NVFLARE FL deployment, and it can allow researchers to test and debug their application without provisioning a real project.

### Using NVFLARE Simulator

The simulator can run the entire project as a single thread. This can be useful for attaching a debugger.

The following commands allow you to run the app using the Simulator

nvflare simulator -c site1,site2 ./jobs/job

## Proof of Concept (POC) Mode

- The POC command allows users to try out the features of NVFlare in a proof of concept deployment on a single machine.

### Using POC mode

The following commands allow you to run the app in POC mode

nvflare poc prepare -i project.yaml
nvflare poc prepare-jobs-dir -j jobs
nvflare poc start

Once the previous command completes your command line will be in the admin shell. From there you can submit your job with the following command:

submit_job job

## COINSTAC requirements

- Ideally your app code will work identically in development and production environments. The main differences between Simulator, POC mode and the production environment are the paths to the directories your application will use.

- The following are the current conventions/requirements we will use to keep parity between development and production directory paths. The conventions may change in the future as we learn more.
- When developing in Simulator or POC mode, `./test_data` at the root of this repository will contain the source data your computation will consume. `./test_results` will be the directory each site puts their results.
- In production mode the sites will run in containers, the data and results folders on the host machine will be mounted to the container (currently as `/workspace/data/` and `/workspace/results`) and the paths to those directories will be environment variables `DATA_DIR` and `RESULTS_DIR`

The following snippet from the boilerplate average computation shows this convention being implemented.

# app\code\executor\
def get_data_dir_path(fl_ctx: FLContext):
# Check for a globally defined data directory first.
data_dir = os.getenv("DATA_DIR")
if data_dir:
return data_dir

# Construct potential paths for Simulator and POC mode.
site_name = fl_ctx.get_prop(FLContextKey.CLIENT_NAME)
simulator_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
os.getcwd(), "../../../test_data", site_name))
poc_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
os.getcwd(), "../../../../test_data", site_name))

# Check if the Simulator mode path exists, else fall back to the POC mode path if it exists.
if os.path.exists(simulator_path):
return simulator_path
elif os.path.exists(poc_path):
return poc_path
raise FileNotFoundError("Data directory path could not be determined.")

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