Suppose if a application of linux server/local server produces log file
of 10GB, 20GB or more. After some time disk will be full or out of space
by these log files.
So, we have to compress these file by E.O.D
- Provide the path of directory in which you want to perform action.
- Check if directory is present or not.
if [ ! -d $BASE ]
echo "directory does not exist: $BASE"
exit 1
- Create 'archive' directory at that location($BASE) if not already present
if [ ! -d $BASE/archive ]
mkdir $BASE/archive
- Find all the files with size more than 10GB or any size you want.
for i in `find $BASE -maxdepth $DEPTH -type f -size +10M`
- If found, then compress each file.
gzip $i || exit 1
- Move the compressed files in 'archive' directory.
mv $i.gz $BASE/archive || exit 1
- Make a cron job to execute the scripts every day at given time.(At 20:00 Hrs)
00 20 * * * /home/piyush/user/91705/Archive-old-log-files-Project/