- Use conda
- Start a new conda environment, suggested to use python 3.6 or 3.7:
conda create -n causalnex python=3.7
(replace 'causalnex' with your preferred name). Do NOT try and do the install in the base
environment, or use python 3.8.
- Activate environment:
conda activate causalnex
- Use conda to install pygraphviz, rather than pip
conda install pygraphviz
If you get an error that the package can't be found, try with conda-forge:
conda install --channel "conda-forge" pygraphviz
- Use conda to install jupyter notebooks too
conda install notebook
(or if that doesn't work, conda install --channel "conda-forge" notebook
- The remainder of the packages should install smoothly using pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start Jupyter using
jupyter notebook
and navigate to the Workbook.