The layered fragment buffer (LFB) demo framework. An updated library from the original we introduced in the OpenGL Insights: Efficient Layered Fragment Buffer Techniques book chapter.
Includes factory style deep image construction, storage and access implementations, and attempts to abstract the LFB implementation in both C++ and GLSL. These include:
basic (3D array)LFB_TYPE_LL
linked listsLFB_TYPE_PLL
paged linked lists (Crassin spinlock)LFB_TYPE_L
linearized (prefix sum scan)
This project uses pyarlib for shader and GL buffer management.
The most straight forward application is order independent transparency, for which a demo application is also provided. The techniques included there are from Fast Sorting for Exact OIT of Complex Scenes.
This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license.
for details.