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Puppet module to manage PHP on debian or ubuntu


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Puppet module to manage PHP on debian (optionally with dotdeb) & ubuntu

Puppet forge URL:


puppet module install nodes/php

or simply clone the repository in your module_path (the folder must be named php)


There is little to no class dependency between all classes

To ensure that things happen in a predictable order please use the example below to ensure that extensions are installed before they are configured

# Install extensions; Configure extensions; Reload apache if changed
Package['php5-dev'] -> Php::Extension <| |> -> Php::Config <| |> ~> Service["apache2"]

If you rely on dotdeb you also want to make sure that the php::apt class is loaded and apt has been updated (apt-get update) before packages are installed

# Install sources; Update sources; Install packages
Apt::Source <| |> ~> Exec['apt_update'] -> Package <| |>

Using the Pecl package provider requires the php5-dev and build-essential package to be installed beforehand

Example configuration of the module.

It will install CLI, mod_php for apache, dev packages, pear and APC

$php_version = '5.4.11-1~dotdeb.0'

include php
include php::apt

class {
    ensure => $php_version;
    ensure => $php_version;
    ensure => $php_version;
    ensure => $php_version;
    ensure => $php_version;

Package providers

The module provides a pear and pecl provider

Pear package example

package { '':
    ensure   => installed,
    provider => pear;

Pecl package example

package { 'igbinary':
    ensure   => installed,
    provider => pecl;

deb package example

  package { "libgearman":
    ensure    =>  "latest",
    provider  =>  "dpkg",
    source    =>  "/path/to/libgearman8_1.1.7-1_amd64.deb",

Installing packages

It's quite simple to install packages not included in the package, simply use php::extension

php::extension { 'platform-independent-name':
  ensure   => $ensure,      # Same as Package { ensure }
  package  => $package,     # Package name as defined in the package provider
  provider => $provider;    # Provider used to install (pecl, pear, (default)undef)

# same as

package { $package:         # Package name as defined in the package provider
    ensure   => $ensure,    # Same as Package { ensure }
    provider => $provider;  # Provider used to install (pecl, pear, (default)undef)

The advantage of using php::extension over package is the anchor of dependency mentioned in Setup

Packages from a custom pear channel is also supported nicely

package { '':
    ensure   => '3.7.12', # Same as Package { ensure }
    provider => pear,
    require  => Exec['php::pear::auto_discover'];

If you want to auto-discover channels, make sure to require Exec['php::pear::auto_discover']

Configure packages

Modifying php configuration is also baked right now

Simply use php::config to modify your ini files

php::config { '$unique-name':
    inifile  => '$full_path_to_ini_file'
    settings => {
        set => {
            '.anon/apc.enabled' => 1

# same as

augeas { "php-${unique-name}-config":
    context => "/files${full_path_to_ini_file}",
    changes => {
        "set '.anon/apc.enabled' '1'"

# or to modify php.ini
# note that keys outside of the sections in php.ini file
# should be referenced by PHP and not .anon

php::config { '$unique-name':
  inifile  => '$full_path_to_php.ini_file',
  settings => {
    set => {
    'Date/date.timezone' => "UTC",
    'PHP/short_open_tag' => "Off",

# same as

augeas { "php-${unique-name}-config":
    context => "/files${full_path_to_php.ini_file}",
    changes => {
        "set 'Date/date.timezone' 'UTC'",
        "set 'PHP/short_open_tag' 'Off'"

settings is a key / value augeas hash

Currently settings only support the type set in augeas

To remove a config key you might use

augeas { "remove-disable_functions":
  context => "/files/etc/php5/fpm/php.ini/PHP",
  changes => [
    "rm disable_functions"

The advantage of using php::config over augeas is the anchor of dependency mentioned in Setup


By default the module comes with support for mod_php (php::apache), cli php::cli and fpm php::fpm

PHP modules

The following modules are implemented by default:

  • apc (php::extension::apc)
  • curl (php::extension::curl)
  • gd (php::extension::gd)
  • gearman (php::extension::gearman)
  • http (php::extension::http)
  • igbinary (php::extension::igbinary)
  • imagick (php::extension::imagick)
  • imap (php::extension::imap)
  • ldap (php::extension::ldap)
  • mcrypt (php::extension::mcrypt)
  • mysql (php::extension::mysql)
  • pgsql (php::extension::pgsql)
  • redis (php::extension::redis)
  • ssh2 (php::extension::ssh2)
  • uploadprogress (php::extension::uploadprogress)
  • xdebug (php::extension::xdebug)

each of them are located in the php::extension namespace


The following PHP related packages come build in too

  • Composer (php::composer)
  • phpunit (php::phpunit)

Note on upgrading with "puppet install" prior to version 0.6.2

If you are using puppet module to install from Puppet Forge and want to upgrade from a version prior to 0.6.1, you will need to use puppet module install --force to resolve an issue with the package name not matching what puppet expects to find. Future updates should work as expected.

Dev links


Puppet module to manage PHP on debian or ubuntu







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