licquidcrystal_i2c is a python library for the LCD-Module LCM1602 IIC V2 and LCM2004 IIC V2. More information could be found in dfrobot wiki.
This module is a port of the sources found here.
[Keywords: LCM1602 IIC V2, LCM2004 IIC V2, LCM IIC V2, LCD1602 I2C, V1, V2, I2C1602V2, YWROBOT, DFROBOT]
Install directly from gihtub using pip:
pip install
Install directly from gihtub using easy_install as user:
python -m easy_install --user
Install from cloned github repository (may need admin rights for python install
git clone --depth=1
(cd python-liquidcrystal_i2c/ && python install)
python-liquidcrystal_i2c depends on a smbus
python-liquidcrystal_i2c needs read/write access to the i2c-bus.
Either add your user to the i2c group (adduser <user> i2c
) or grant rights to anyone (chmod 666 /dev/i2c-*
import liquidcrystal_i2c
cols = 20
rows = 4
lcd = liquidcrystal_i2c.LiquidCrystal_I2C(0x27, 1, numlines=rows)
lcd.printline(0, 'LCM2004 IIC V2'.center(cols))
lcd.printline(1, 'and'.center(cols))
lcd.printline(2, 'python-')
lcd.printline(3, 'liquidcrystal_i2c'.rjust(cols))
Nice to have:
- A lot of methods from the original sources are still missing, as I do not need them. For a complete port these should be included
- Add docstring