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A collection of awesome Jekyll plugins (gems, scripts, pasties, etc.)

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Awesome (Gem-Packaged) Jekyll Plugins


A collection of awesome Jekyll plugins adding converters, generators, filters & tags, importers, new commands & switches, and more.

Contributions welcome. Anything missing? Send in a pull request. Thanks.

Note: See the Plugins & Extensions Page @ Planet Jekyll - listing all gem-packaged plugins listed here; add your plugin here to get added - thanks!


See the Official Plugins Page @ Jekyll Docs ».

Settings & Configurations Tweaks

Multi Language / Multi Lingual


  • Algolia ★185 (gem: jekyll-algolia) -- Add fast and relevant search to your Jekyll site using the Algolia API.
  • Searchyll ★43 (gem: searchyll) - Index your Jekyll pages to Elasticsearch, and works with Github pages.

Feeds & Syndication

  • Feed ★197 (gem: jekyll-feed) -- a plugin to generate an Atom (RSS-like) feed of your posts #Official #GitHub Pages
  • Planet ★2 (gem: jekyll-planet) -- add articles, blogs to your site via web feeds (and planet pluto)

Bibliography & Citiations

Tags & Taggings, Categories & Categorizations


Figures & Captions

Images & Pictures

  • Picture Tag ★563 (gem: jekyll_picture_tag) -- Easy responsive images for Jekyll. Based on the proposed <picture> element, polyfilled with Scott Jehl's Picturefill.
  • Responsive Image ★312 (gem: jekyll-responsive_image) -- Responsive images for Jekyll. Automatically resizes images, supports all responsive methods (<picture>, srcset, Imager.js, etc), super-flexible configuration.
  • Image Encode Tag ★14 (gem: jekyll_image_encode) -- tag that renders base64 codes of images fetched from the web.
  • Cloudinary ★86 (gem: jekyll-cloudinary) by Nicolas Hoizey -- tag to use Cloudinary for optimized responsive posts images.
  • WebP Image Generator ★49 (gem: jekyll-webp) by Sverrir Sigmundarson et al -- WebP image generator that automatically generate WebP images for all images on your site and serves them when possible
  • Image Size ★19 (gem: jekyll-image-size) - read images and output image-sizes as: opengraph tags, img-tags, css and more - with retina support
  • Loading Lazy ★41 (gem: jekyll-loading-lazy) -- Adds loading="lazy" to lazily load your images and iframes without the need for JavaScript.
  • jekyll-imgix ★49 (gem: jekyll-imgix) -- Transform, optimize, and intelligently cache your entire image library for fast websites and apps. Freemium/Commercial
  • jekyll-postfiles ★109 (gem: jekyll-postfiles) -- Ease the management of images (and other files) attached to Markdown blog posts
  • jekyll-imgproxy-tag ★0 (gem: jekyll-imgproxy-tag) -- Generate urls to secure imgproxy images.
  • jekyll-responsive-magick ★0 (gem: jekyll-responsive-magick) -- Responsive images via srcset, width and height filters, automatic image resizing with ImageMagick.
  • jekyll_img (gem: jekyll_img) by Mike Slinn. – This versatile plugin embeds responsive images using the <picture> element in documents and pages with alignment options, flexible resizing, default styling, overridable styling, an optional caption, and an optional URL.

Bundled Icons / Images

  • Octicons ★32 (gem: jekyll-octicons) -- liquid plugin that makes including svg Octicons simple. Archived
  • Jekyll PIG ★8 (gem: jekyll-pig) - Uses ImageMagick and pig.js to create progressive image galleries for Jekyll sites.

Videos & Screencasts

  • YouTube ★79 (gem: jekyll-youtube) -- a Liquid tag that embeds YouTube videos. The default emded markup is responsive but you can also specify your own by using an include/partial.
  • Asciinema ★37 (gem: jekyll-asciinema) -- a tag for embedding asciicasts recorded with asciinema in your Jekyll pages.
  • ReactPlayer Gem Version Gem Version -- a tag for embedding react-player supported formats in your Jekyll pages.

Audios & Podcasts

  • Octopod ★114 (gem: jekyll-octopod) by Stefan Haslinger, Arne Eilermann, et al -- a podcast publishing extension. Archived

Geocoding & Maps

  • Geocode ★11 (gem: jekyll-geocode) by Bertrand Keller -- geo-encode addresses from a datafile for drawing maps
  • Maps ★123 (gem: jekyll-maps) by Anatoliy Yastreb -- embed maps with filterable locations

Markup & Markdown Converters

  • Pug, gem: jekyll-pug -- convert Pug files into HTML
  • Slim ★36, gem: jekyll-slim -- Slim converter and includes for Jekyll with support for Liquid tags. Archived
  • AsciiDoc ★276, gem: jekyll-asciidoc -- AsciiDoc convertor for Jekyll using Asciidoctor.
  • Commonmark ★29, gem: jekyll-commonmark -- Markdown converter that uses libcmark, the reference parser for CommonMark.
  • Textile ★15 (gem: jekyll-textile-converter) -- convert .textile files into HTML; also includes the textilize Liquid filter #Official
  • Jektex ★17, gem: jektex -- Jekyll plugin for blazing fast server side cached LaTeX rendering with support of macros. Enjoy comfort of latex and markdown without cluttering your site with bloated javascript.

Text Filters

  • Mentions ★185 (gem: jekyll-mentions) -- @mentionable support for your site #Official #GitHub Pages
  • Jemoji ★503 (gem: jemoji) -- GitHub-flavored emoji plugin #Official #GitHub Pages
  • Time Ago ★138 (gem: jekyll-timeago) -- Converts a time value to the time ago in words.
  • jekyll_time_since (gem: jekyll_time_since) by Mike Slinn – Jekyll plugin that provides new Liquid filters called years_since, months_since, days_since, hours_since, minutes_since and seconds_since.
  • Pluralize ★28 (gem: liquid_pluralize) by Benjamin Esham -- Easily combine a number and a word into a grammatically-correct amount like “1 minute” or “2 minutes”.
  • Reading Time ★109 (gem: liquid_reading_time) by Benjamin Esham -- Count words and estimate reading time for a piece of text, ignoring HTML elements that are unlikely to contain running text.
  • TOC (Table of Contents) ★260 (gem: jekyll-toc)-- A liquid filter plugin for Jekyll which generates a table of contents.
  • Smartify ★9 (gem: jekyll-smartify) by Pat Hawks -- SmartyPants filter. Make "quotes" “curly”. Archived
  • MD5 ★13 (gem: liquid-md5) by Pat Hawks -- Returns an MD5 hash. Helpful for generating Gravatars in templates
  • Roman ★6 (gem: jekyll-roman) by Paul Robert Lloyd -- A liquid filter for Jekyll that converts numbers into Roman numerals
  • Typogrify ★26 (gem: jekyll-typogrify) by Myles Braithwaite -- A Jekyll plugin that brings the functions of typogruby.
  • Email Protect ★75 (gem: jekyll-email-protect) by Vincent Wochnik -- Email protection liquid filter for Jekyll
  • Jekyll Liquify ★25 (gem: jekyll-liquify) a filter that parses Liquid from front matter
  • jekyll_from_to_until (gem: jekyll_from_to_until) by Mike Slinn. – Provides filters that return portions of a multiline string:
    • from – returns the portion beginning with the line that satisfies a regular expression to the end of the multiline string.
    • to – returns the portion from the first line to the line that satisfies a regular expression, including the matched line.
    • until – returns the portion from the first line to the line that satisfies a regular expression, excluding the matched line.
  • jekyll_basename_dirname (gem: jekyll_basename_dirname) by Mike Slinn – Provides filters that return portions of a string: basename, dirname and basename_without_extension.
  • jekyll_begin_end (gem: jekyll_begin_end) by Mike Slinn – These filters return portions of a string: begins_with, does_not_begin_with, ends_with, does_not_end_with, and append_suffix_if_does_not_start_with.


  • Gist ★234 (gem: jekyll-gist) -- Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists #Official #GitHub Pages

  • Twitter ★225 (gem: jekyll-twitter-plugin) by Robert Murray -- A Liquid tag plugin that renders Tweets from Twitter API. Currently supports the oEmbed API.

  • Content Blocks ★144 (gem: jekyll-contentblocks) by Rusty Geldmacher -- Lets you use Rails-like content_for tags in your templates, for passing content from your posts up to your layouts.

  • Beastie Press ★7 (gem: jekyll-beastiepress) -- FreeBSD utility tags.

  • SWF Object ★5 (gem: jekyll-swfobject) -- Liquid plugin for embedding Adobe Flash files (.swf) using SWFObject.

  • Date Chart ★9 (gem: jekyll_date_chart) -- Block that renders date line charts based on textile-formatted tables.

  • Quick Man ★7 (gem: jekyll_quick_man) -- Tag that renders pretty links to man page sources on the internet.

  • GitHub Sample Tag ★57 (gem: jekyll_github_sample) -- A liquid tag to include a sample of a github repo file in your Jekyll site.

  • Project Version Tag ★28 (gem: jekyll_version_plugin) -- A Liquid tag plugin that renders a version identifier for your Jekyll site sourced from the git repository containing your code.

  • Inline Highlight ★26 (gem: jekyll_inline_highlight) -- a tag for inline syntax highlighting.

  • Mermaid ★97 (gem: jekyll-mermaid) -- Simplify the creation of mermaid diagrams and flowcharts in your posts and pages.

  • Giphy ★16 (gem: jekyll-giphy) -- a plugin for embedding random giphy GIFs on Jekyll sites according to a user defined topic.

  • PlantUML ★39 (gem: jekyll-plantuml) -- Tag that renders UML diagrams using PlantUML.

  • Jekyll oEmbed ★8 (gem: jekyll_oembed) -- The tag version of ruby-oembed, letting you easily get embeddable HTML representations of supported web pages, based on their URLs. Archived

  • Jekyll PDF Embed ★35 (gem: jekyll-pdf-embed) - Plugin for embedding PDF files to any page or post

  • Jekyll Github Chart ★4 (gem: jekyll-github-chart) - Plugin to generate an SVG of Github contributions data

  • Jekyll Twitch ★6 (gem: jekyll-twitch) - Embed Twitch clips, vods, collections, and even broadcasts!

  • Jekyll Include ★12 (gem: jekyll_include_plugin) - Plugin for including local/remote file contents (or a part of it) into your pages.

  • jekyll_flexible_include (gem: jekyll_flexible_include) by Mike Slinn.
    Jekyll's built-in include tag does not support including files outside of the _includes folder. This plugin supports 4 types of includes:

    • Relative paths.
    • Absolute paths, with optional security.
    • Paths relative to the user home directory, with optional security.
    • Executable commands, with optional security.

    Paths support environment variables expansion. Also supports highlighting text matching a regex, and dark mode.

  • Glossary Tooltip Tag ★7 (gem: jekyll-glossary_tooltip) by Erik Westrup - A tag for showing a tooltip with glossary term definitions on mouse hover. Common terms are defined in a shared file that can be re-used across all pages.

  • jekyll_archive_display (gem: jekyll_archive_display) by Mike Slinn – Jekyll tag plugin that lists the names and contents of each entry in a tar file.

  • jekyll_download_link (gem: jekyll_download_link) by Mike Slinn – Generates a link to download a file. The path can be absolute or relative to the website.

  • jekyll_href (gem: jekyll_href) by Mike Slinn.
    This plugin provides a versatile Jekyll tag that generates an a HTML href that defaults to target="_blank" and rel="nofollow". URLs can contain environment variable references. Also provides a convenient way to generate formatted and clickable URIs. Features optional automatically-generated soft hyphens. The href tags in a page can be summarized by the href_summary tag.

  • jekyll_outline (gem: jekyll_outline) by Mike Slinn – Organizes the index of a collection into chapters.

  • jekyll_pre (gem: jekyll_pre) by Mike Slinn – Jekyll tags for HTML <pre/>; copy content button, unselectable text, and incorporating command-line output into documents.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Redirects


  • Analytics ★191 (gem: jekyll-analytics) by Hendrik Schneider -- adds webtracking easily to your site; supports multiple trackers like Google Analytics, Piwik, etc.


Commands & Switches



Assets & Converters & Minifiers

Coding Support for Plugins & Liquid Programming

Authentication & Authorization

  • GitHub OAuth ★821 (gem: jekyll-auth) by Ben Balter et al -- use GitHub OAuth to serve a protected site to your GitHub org

Admin & Visual Editors

  • Admin ★2.6k (gem: jekyll-admin) by Ben Balter, Mert Kahyaoğlu et al -- adds a traditional content management system-style graphical interface to author content and administer sites #Official

  • Manager ★51 (gem: jekyll-manager) by Ashwin Maroli -- An administrative framework for Jekyll sites, Jekyll Manager is essentially Jekyll Admin repackaged with some alterations.

  • Notion Fetch ★4 (gem: jekyll-fetch-notion) -- Makes it easy to manage your website content using Notion (git-based approach).

Watch & Live Reload

  • Watch ★88 (gem: jekyll-watch) -- rebuild your site when a file changes with the --watch switch #Official
  • Hawkins ★57 (gem: hawkins) -- adds a liveserve sub-command to Jekyll that incorporates LiveReload into your pages while you preview them. No more hitting the refresh button in your browser! Archived

Testing & Proofing

Upload & Deploy

  • Jekyll Deploy Action ★177 (jekyll-deploy-action) -- 🪂 A Github Action to deploy the Jekyll site conveniently for GitHub Pages.
  • Deploy ★33 (gem: jekyll-deploy) -- adds a deploy command
  • ZMediumToJekyll ★3 -- A public GitHub template repo that can help you easily move your Medium posts to a Jekyll blog and keep them in sync in the future, by simply click 'Use this template' to get started!



Note: For all jekyll plugin scripts & pasties, see the scripts & pasties page.



The awesome list is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them to the jekyll talk forum. Thanks!


A collection of awesome Jekyll plugins (gems, scripts, pasties, etc.)



