Planetmint wallet sketch.
Warning! Beta software! Don't use it for anything serious just yet
This repository combines a library as well as CLI tool to create Planetmint keys stored in '.plntmnt_keystore' file, prepare, sign and send transactions. Upon key creation user is provided with mnemonic phrase to record and store it in a safe please.
Keystore can have multiple "wallets" the default wallet name is "default". CLI provides options to derive account and index.
Derivation path has following format: m/44'/8680'/account'/0'/address'. Where 8680 is Planetmint coin type.
As Planetmint uses Ed25519 curve, only hardened private key derivations are supported. Public key derivations do not work. Key derivations are implemented according to SLIP-10.
It is possible to import existing extended key. During import plntmnt
Currently implemented commands: commit fulfill import init prepare
Check out command --help
for more info:
- Tests check only subset of all possible CLI options. It is likely to brake in unexpected ways and CLI is not ergonomic :)
- Currently, only standard Ed25519 single output transactions are supported