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ruslandoga authored May 23, 2023
1 parent e9cd326 commit cc41321
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Showing 6 changed files with 137 additions and 108 deletions.
121 changes: 38 additions & 83 deletions lib/ecto/adapters/clickhouse/connection.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ defmodule Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.Connection do
[quote_name(field), " IS NULL"]

{{field, value}, idx} ->
[quote_name(field), " = {$", Integer.to_string(idx), ?:, ch_typeof(value), ?}]
[quote_name(field), ?=, build_param(idx, param_type(value))]

["DELETE FROM ", quote_table(prefix, table), " WHERE ", filters]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -515,18 +515,11 @@ defmodule Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.Connection do

defp expr({:^, [], [ix]}, _sources, params, _query) do
["{$", Integer.to_string(ix), ?:, param_type_at(params, ix), ?}]
build_param(ix, param_type_at(params, ix))

defp expr({:^, [], [ix, len]}, _sources, params, _query) when len > 0 do
params =
ix..(ix + len)
|> Enum.take(len)
|> intersperse_map(?,, fn ix ->
["{$", Integer.to_string(ix), ?:, param_type_at(params, ix), ?}]

[?(, params, ?)]
[?(, build_params(ix, len, params), ?)]

# using an empty array literal since empty tuples are not allowed in ClickHouse
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -573,10 +566,6 @@ defmodule Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.Connection do

defp expr({:in, _, [_, {:^, _, [_ix, 0]}]}, _sources, _params, _query), do: "0"

defp expr({:in, _, [left, {{:., _, _}, _, _} = right]}, sources, params, query) do
["has(", expr(right, sources, params, query), ?,, expr(left, sources, params, query), ?)]

defp expr({:in, _, [left, right]}, sources, params, query) do
[expr(left, sources, params, query), " IN ", expr(right, sources, params, query)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,6 +776,19 @@ defmodule Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.Connection do

def intersperse_map([], _separator, _mapper), do: []

@compile inline: [build_param: 2]
defp build_param(ix, type) do
["{$", Integer.to_string(ix), ?:, type, ?}]

@doc false
def build_params(ix, len, params) when len > 1 do
[build_param(ix, param_type_at(params, ix)), ?, | build_params(ix + 1, len - 1, params)]

def build_params(ix, _len = 1, params), do: build_param(ix, param_type_at(params, ix))
def build_params(_ix, _len = 0, _params), do: []

@doc false
def quote_name(name, quoter \\ ?")
def quote_name(nil, _), do: []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -864,90 +866,43 @@ defmodule Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.Connection do
[expr(count, sources, params, query), " * ", interval(1, interval, sources, params, query)]

defp ecto_to_db({:array, t}) do
["Array(", ecto_to_db(t), ?)]

defp ecto_to_db(:id), do: "UInt64"
defp ecto_to_db(:uuid), do: "UUID"
defp ecto_to_db(s) when s in [:string, :binary, :binary_id], do: "String"
# when ecto migrator queries for versions in schema_versions it uses type(version, :integer)
# so we need :integer to be the same as :bigint which is used for schema_versions table definition
# this is why :integer is Int64 and not Int32
defp ecto_to_db(i) when i in [:integer, :bigint], do: "Int64"
defp ecto_to_db(:float), do: "Float64"
defp ecto_to_db(:integer), do: "Int64"
defp ecto_to_db(:binary), do: "String"
defp ecto_to_db({:parameterized, Ch, type}), do: Ch.Types.encode(type)
defp ecto_to_db({:array, type}), do: ["Array(", ecto_to_db(type), ?)]
defp ecto_to_db(type) when type in [:uuid, :string, :date, :boolean], do: Ch.Types.encode(type)

defp ecto_to_db(:decimal) do
raise ArgumentError,
"cast to :decimal is not supported, please use `Ch, type: \"Decimal(P, S)\"` instead"

defp ecto_to_db({:parameterized, Ch, type}) do

defp ecto_to_db(:boolean), do: "Bool"
defp ecto_to_db(:date), do: "Date"
defp ecto_to_db(:date32), do: "Date32"
defp ecto_to_db(dt) when dt in [:datetime, :utc_datetime, :naive_datetime], do: "DateTime"
defp ecto_to_db(:u8), do: "UInt8"
defp ecto_to_db(:u16), do: "UInt16"
defp ecto_to_db(:u32), do: "UInt32"
defp ecto_to_db(:u64), do: "UInt64"
defp ecto_to_db(:u128), do: "UInt128"
defp ecto_to_db(:u256), do: "UInt256"
defp ecto_to_db(:i8), do: "Int8"
defp ecto_to_db(:i16), do: "Int16"
defp ecto_to_db(:i32), do: "Int32"
defp ecto_to_db(:i64), do: "Int64"
defp ecto_to_db(:i128), do: "Int128"
defp ecto_to_db(:i256), do: "Int256"
defp ecto_to_db(:f32), do: "Float32"
defp ecto_to_db(:f64), do: "Float64"

for size <- [32, 64, 128, 256] do
defp ecto_to_db({unquote(:"decimal#{size}"), scale}) do
[unquote("Decimal#{size}("), Integer.to_string(scale), ?)]

defp ecto_to_db({:decimal, precision, scale}) do
["Decimal(", Integer.to_string(precision), ", ", Integer.to_string(scale), ?)]

defp ecto_to_db({:string, size}) do
["FixedString(", Integer.to_string(size), ?)]

defp ecto_to_db({:nullable, type}) do
["Nullable(", ecto_to_db(type), ?)]

defp ecto_to_db(other) when is_atom(other) do
defp ecto_to_db(type) do
raise ArgumentError, "unknown or ambiguous ClickHouse type: #{inspect(type)}"

defp param_type_at(params, ix) do
value =, ix)

defp ch_typeof(s) when is_binary(s), do: "String"
defp ch_typeof(i) when is_integer(i) and i > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, do: "UInt64"
defp ch_typeof(i) when is_integer(i), do: "Int64"
defp ch_typeof(f) when is_float(f), do: "Float64"
defp ch_typeof(b) when is_boolean(b), do: "Bool"
defp ch_typeof(%DateTime{}), do: "DateTime"
defp ch_typeof(%Date{}), do: "Date"
defp ch_typeof(%NaiveDateTime{}), do: "DateTime"
defp param_type(s) when is_binary(s), do: "String"
defp param_type(i) when is_integer(i) and i > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, do: "UInt64"
defp param_type(i) when is_integer(i), do: "Int64"
defp param_type(f) when is_float(f), do: "Float64"
defp param_type(b) when is_boolean(b), do: "Bool"

# TODO DateTime64 and Date32
defp param_type(%NaiveDateTime{}), do: "DateTime"
defp param_type(%DateTime{}), do: "DateTime"
defp param_type(%Date{}), do: "Date"

defp ch_typeof(%Decimal{exp: exp}) do
defp param_type(%Decimal{exp: exp}) do
# TODO use sizes 128 and 256 as well if needed
scale = if exp < 0, do: abs(exp), else: 0
["Decimal64(", Integer.to_string(scale), ?)]

defp ch_typeof([]), do: "Array(Nothing)"
defp param_type([]), do: "Array(Nothing)"

# TODO check whole list
defp ch_typeof([v | _]), do: ["Array(", ch_typeof(v), ?)]
defp param_type([v | _]), do: ["Array(", param_type(v), ?)]
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion lib/ecto/adapters/clickhouse/schema.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,14 +126,18 @@ defmodule Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.Schema do
field :#{field}, Ch, type: "#{ch_type}"
You can also try using `` to generate a schema:
mix <database>.#{schema.__schema__(:source)}

defp ch_type_hint(:id), do: "Int64"
defp ch_type_hint(:integer), do: "Int64"
defp ch_type_hint(:float), do: "Float32"
defp ch_type_hint({:array, type}), do: "Array(#{ch_type_hint(type)})"
defp ch_type_hint({:array, type}), do: "{:array, #{ch_type_hint(type)}}"
defp ch_type_hint(:map), do: "Map(String, Int64)"
defp ch_type_hint({:map, type}), do: "Map(String, #{ch_type_hint(type)})"
defp ch_type_hint(:decimal), do: "Decimal32(2)"
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions test/ch/type_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -876,6 +876,14 @@ defmodule Ch.TypeTest do
%{t1: {""}, t2: {"", 0}, t3: {"", [], 0}},
%{t1: {"hello"}, t2: {"hello", 42}, t3: {"hello", ["world"], 42}}

# assert Tuples |> where([t], "hell" in t.t1) |> all() |> unstruct() == []
# assert Tuples |> where([t], ^"hell" in t.t1) |> all() |> unstruct() == []
# assert Tuples |> where([t], 42 in t.t2) |> all() |> unstruct() == []
# assert Tuples |> where([t], ^42 in t.t2) |> all() |> unstruct() == []
# assert Tuples |> where([t], ["world"] in t.t3) |> all() |> unstruct() == []
# assert Tuples |> where([t], ^["world"] in t.t3) |> all() |> unstruct() == []

Expand Down
52 changes: 39 additions & 13 deletions test/ecto/adapters/clickhouse/connection_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -644,22 +644,13 @@ defmodule Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.ConnectionTest do

@decimal64_2 Ecto.ParameterizedType.init(Ch, type: "Decimal64(2)")
test "order_by and types" do
query =
|> order_by([e], type(fragment("?", e.binary), :decimal))
|> select(true)

assert_raise ArgumentError, ~r/cast to :decimal is not supported/, fn ->

query =
|> order_by([e], type(fragment("?", e.binary), ^@decimal64_2))
|> select(true)

assert all(query) ==
~s[SELECT true FROM "schema3" AS s0 ORDER BY CAST(s0."binary" AS Decimal64(2))]
~s[SELECT true FROM "schema3" AS s0 ORDER BY CAST(s0."binary" AS Decimal(18, 2))]

test "fragments" do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1720,13 +1711,13 @@ defmodule Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.ConnectionTest do

test "delete" do
query = delete(nil, "schema", [x: 1, y: 2], [])
assert query == ~s[DELETE FROM "schema" WHERE "x" = {$0:Int64} AND "y" = {$1:Int64}]
assert query == ~s[DELETE FROM "schema" WHERE "x"={$0:Int64} AND "y"={$1:Int64}]

query = delete("prefix", "schema", [x: 1, y: 2], [])
assert query == ~s[DELETE FROM "prefix"."schema" WHERE "x" = {$0:Int64} AND "y" = {$1:Int64}]
assert query == ~s[DELETE FROM "prefix"."schema" WHERE "x"={$0:Int64} AND "y"={$1:Int64}]

query = delete(nil, "schema", [x: nil, y: 1], [])
assert query == ~s[DELETE FROM "schema" WHERE "x" IS NULL AND "y" = {$1:Int64}]
assert query == ~s[DELETE FROM "schema" WHERE "x" IS NULL AND "y"={$1:Int64}]

test "executing a string during migration" do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2440,4 +2431,39 @@ defmodule Ecto.Adapters.ClickHouse.ConnectionTest do
~s/CREATE TABLE "posts"("id" Int32,PRIMARY KEY ("id")) ENGINE=MergeTree/

test "build_params/3" do
params = [1, "a", true, Date.utc_today(), DateTime.utc_now()]

assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 0, _len = 0, params)) == ""
assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 1, _len = 0, params)) == ""
assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 2, _len = 0, params)) == ""

assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 0, _len = 1, params)) ==

assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 0, _len = 2, params)) ==

assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 1, _len = 1, params)) ==

assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 1, _len = 2, params)) ==

assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 2, _len = 1, params)) ==

assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 2, _len = 2, params)) ==

assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 2, _len = 3, params)) ==

assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 1, _len = 4, params)) ==

assert to_string(Connection.build_params(_ix = 0, _len = 5, params)) ==
52 changes: 43 additions & 9 deletions test/ecto/integration/type_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -197,13 +197,14 @@ defmodule Ecto.Integration.TypeTest do
assert [^blob] = TestRepo.all(query)

@float64 Ecto.ParameterizedType.init(Ch, type: "Float64")
test "tagged types" do
%{id: post_id} = TestRepo.insert!(%Post{id: 1, visits: 12})
TestRepo.insert!(%Comment{text: "#{post_id}", post_id: post_id})

# Numbers
assert [1] = TestRepo.all(from Post, select: type(^"1", :integer))
assert [1.0] = TestRepo.all(from Post, select: type(^1.0, :float))
assert [1.0] = TestRepo.all(from Post, select: type(^1.0, ^@float64))
assert [1] = TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(^"1", p.visits))
assert [1.0] = TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(^"1", p.intensity))

Expand All @@ -220,18 +221,20 @@ defmodule Ecto.Integration.TypeTest do

# Math operations
assert [4] = TestRepo.all(from Post, select: type(2 + ^"2", :integer))
assert [4.0] = TestRepo.all(from Post, select: type(2.0 + ^"2", :float))
# assert [4.0] = TestRepo.all(from Post, select: type(2.0 + ^"2", ^@float64))
assert [4] = TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(2 + ^"2", p.visits))
assert [4.0] = TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(2.0 + ^"2", p.intensity))

# Comparison expression
assert [12] = TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(coalesce(p.visits, 0), :integer))
assert [0.0] = TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(coalesce(p.intensity, 1.0), :float))

assert [0.0] =
TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(coalesce(p.intensity, 1.0), ^@float64))

assert [1.0] =
from p in Post,
select: type(coalesce(fragment("nullIf(?, 0)", p.intensity), 1.0), :float)
select: type(coalesce(fragment("nullIf(?, 0)", p.intensity), 1.0), ^@float64)

# parent_as/1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,11 +287,41 @@ defmodule Ecto.Integration.TypeTest do

# Querying
assert TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: t.ints == [1, 2, 3], select: t.ints) == [ints]
assert TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: 0 in t.ints, select: t.ints) == []
assert TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: 1 in t.ints, select: t.ints) == [ints]
assert TestRepo.all(from t in "tags", where: t.ints == [1, 2, 3], select: t.ints) == [ints]
assert TestRepo.all(from t in "tags", where: 0 in t.ints, select: t.ints) == []
assert TestRepo.all(from t in "tags", where: 1 in t.ints, select: t.ints) == [ints]

# ClickHouse doesn't support IN operator on array columns
# works: select 1 in [1,2,3]
# fails: select * from tags t where 0 in t.ints

assert_raise Ch.Error, ~r/UNKNOWN_TABLE/, fn ->
TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: 0 in t.ints, select: t.ints)

assert_raise Ch.Error, ~r/UNKNOWN_TABLE/, fn ->
TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: 1 in t.ints, select: t.ints)

assert_raise Ch.Error, ~r/UNKNOWN_TABLE/, fn ->
TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: ^0 in t.ints, select: t.ints)

assert_raise Ch.Error, ~r/UNKNOWN_TABLE/, fn ->
TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: ^1 in t.ints, select: t.ints)

# has(arr, el) can be used instead

assert TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: fragment("has(?, ?)", t.ints, 0), select: t.ints) ==

assert TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: fragment("has(?, ?)", t.ints, 1), select: t.ints) ==

assert TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: fragment("has(?, ?)", t.ints, ^0), select: t.ints) ==

assert TestRepo.all(from t in Tag, where: fragment("has(?, ?)", t.ints, ^1), select: t.ints) ==

# # Update
# tag = TestRepo.update!(Ecto.Changeset.change tag, ints: nil)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -378,13 +411,14 @@ defmodule Ecto.Integration.TypeTest do
assert Decimal.equal?("0.0"), cost)

@float32 Ecto.ParameterizedType.init(Ch, type: "Float32")
@decimal64_2 Ecto.ParameterizedType.init(Ch, type: "Decimal64(2)")
test "decimal typed aggregations" do
decimal ="1.0")
TestRepo.insert!(%Post{cost: decimal})

assert [1] = TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(sum(p.cost), :integer))
assert [1.0] = TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(sum(p.cost), :float))
assert [1.0] = TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(sum(p.cost), ^@float32))
[cost] = TestRepo.all(from p in Post, select: type(sum(p.cost), ^@decimal64_2))
assert Decimal.equal?(decimal, cost)
Expand Down

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