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A symfony 3 integration for the Stripe PHP SDK

This bundle allow you to manipulate the stripe SDK as a Symfony service, Plus some helpers to use different Stripe API notions such as Stripe Connect or the Subscriptions API.


To install this bundle, run the command below and you will get the latest version from [Packagist][3].

composer require flosch/stripe-bundle

Load required bundles in AppKernel.php:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
  $bundles = array(
    // [...]
    new Flosch\Bundle\StripeBundle\FloschStripeBundle()

And set-up the required configuration

# app/config/config.yml
    stripe_api_key: "%stripe_api_key%" # The Stripe API key can be added as a symfony parameter


Then, it is possible to use this service from inside a controller

$stripeClient = $this->get('flosch.stripe.client');

The StripeClient php class extends the default Stripe PHP SDK class, allowing you to do anything that this SDK can do. Plus, it will automatically be authenticated with your Stripe API Key, which you do not have to worry about at all.

Extends the client

I will always be open to PR in order to update this project, However if you wish to add your own custom helpers, you can easily extend it yourself, for instance :

<?php // src/YourNamespace/YourProject/Stripe/StripeClient.php

namespace YourNamespace\YourProject\Stripe;

use Flosch\Bundle\StripeBundle\Stripe\StripeClient as BaseStripeClient;

class StripeClient extends BaseStripeClient
    public function __construct($stripeApiKey = '')

        return $this;

    public function myOwnMethod()
        // Do what you want here...

Then register your extension as a service, and use it.

        autowire: true
        autoconfigure: true
        lazy: true

        alias: YourNamespace\YourProject\Stripe\StripeClient
public function indexAction()
    // Retrieve it from the container with the old-school getter
    $stripeClient = $this->get('my.stripe.client');

public function indexAction(\YourNamespace\YourProject\Stripe\StripeClient $stripeClient)
    // Or inject it in your controllers if you use autowiring
    // Then you're ready to go...


The StripeClient currently offers four helper methods :

Retrieve a Coupon by its ID
 * $planId (string)         : The existing Coupon ID (the one you define in the Stripe dashboard)
$coupon = $stripeClient->retrieveCoupon($planId);
Retrieve a Plan by its ID
 * $planId (string)         : The existing Plan ID (the one you define in the Stripe dashboard)
$plan = $stripeClient->retrievePlan($planId);
Retrieve a Customer by its ID
 * $customerId (string)         : The existing Customer ID
$customer = $stripeClient->retrieveCustomer($customerId);
Retrieve a Charge by its ID
 * $chargeId (string)         : The existing Charge ID
$charge = $stripeClient->retrieveCharge($chargeId);
Create a new customer
 * $paymentToken (string)   : The payment token obtained using the Stripe.js library
 * $customerEmail (string)  : The customer e-mail address
$stripeClient->createCustomer($paymentToken, $customerEmail);
Create and subscribe a new customer to an existing plan
 * $planId (string)         : The existing Plan ID (the one you define in the Stripe dashboard)
 * $paymentToken (string)   : The payment token obtained using the Stripe.js library
 * $customerEmail (string)  : The customer e-mail address
 * $couponId (string|null)  : An optional coupon ID
$stripeClient->subscribeCustomerToPlan($planId, $paymentToken, $customerEmail, $couponId);
Subscribe an existing customer to an existing plan
 * $customerId (string)     : The existing Customer ID
 * $planId (string)         : The existing Plan ID (the one you define in the Stripe dashboard)
 * $parameters (array)      : An optional array of additional parameters
$stripeClient->subscribeExistingCustomerToPlan($customerId, $planId, [
    'coupon'        => 'TEST',
    'tax_percent'   => 19.6
Create a charge (to a platform, or a connected Stripe account)
 * $chargeAmount (int)              : The charge amount in cents, for instance 1000 for 10.00 (of the currency)
 * $chargeCurrency (string)         : The charge currency (for instance, "eur")
 * $paymentToken (string)           : The payment token obtained using the Stripe.js library
 * $stripeAccountId (string|null)   : (optional) The connected string account ID, default null (--> charge to the platform)
 * $applicationFee (int)            : The amount of the application fee (in cents), default to 0
 * $chargeDescription (string)      : (optional) The charge description for the customer
$stripeClient->createCharge($chargeAmount, $chargeCurrency, $paymentToken, $stripeAccountId, $applicationFee, $chargeDescription);
Refund a Charge
 * $chargeId (string)           : The Stripe charge ID (returned by Stripe when you create a charge)
 * $refundAmount (int)          : The charge amount in cents (if null, the whole charge amount will be refunded)
 * $metadata (array)            : additional informations about the refund, default []
 * $reason (string)             : The reason of the refund, either "requested_by_customer", "duplicate" or "fraudulent"
 * $refundApplicationFee (bool) : Wether the application_fee should be refunded aswell, default true
 * $reverseTransfer (bool)      : Wether the transfer should be reversed (when using Stripe Connect "destination" parameter on charge creation), default false
 * $stripeAccountId (string)    : (optional) TheStripe account on which the charge has been made (Stripe Connect), default null (--> refund by the platform)
$stripeClient->refundCharge($chargeId, $refundAmount, $metadata, $reason, $refundApplicationFee, $reverseTransfer, $stripeAccountId);


A symfony 3 integration for the Stripe PHP SDK







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