Compile mapcss stylesheet
pgmapcss --mode standalone -tol4pgm-0.1 test.mapcss
Make sure, that '' is executed as CGI script.
In your JavaScript, load map and layer:
var map = new ol.Map({
target: 'map',
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.MapQuest({layer: 'sat'})
view: new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.transform([37.41, 8.82], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'),
zoom: 4
var layer = new ol4pgmLayer({
url: '{x}&y={y}&zoom={z}&tilesize=1024&srs=3857'
}, map);
Name | Description |
url | URL template. Must include {x}, {y} or {-y} and {z}, e.g. "style.cgi?x={x}&y={y}&zoom={z}&tilesize=1024&srs=3857". see ol.source.TileVector for details. |
single_url | URL template for requests for features with specified ID (see function getFeature() for details). Must include {id} and can include {zoom} (which is the current zoom level for tile size 256px), e.g. "style.cgi?id={id}&zoom={zoom}&srs=3857" |
attributions | ol.source.TileVector -> attributions |
defaultProjection | ol.source.TileVector -> defaultProjection |
format | ol.source.TileVector -> format |
logo | ol.source.TileVector -> logo |
object | ol.source.TileVector -> object |
projection | ol.source.TileVector -> projection |
tileGrid | ol.source.TileVector -> tileGrid |
tileUrlFunction | ol.source.TileVector -> tileUrlFunction |
urls | ol.source.TileVector -> urls |
defaultDataProjection | ol.format.GeoJSON -> defaultDataProjection |
geometryName | ol.source.GeoJSON -> geometryName |
minZoom | ol.tilegrid.XYZ -> minZoom |
maxZoom | ol.tilegrid.XYZ -> maxZoom |
extent | ol.tilegrid.XYZ -> extent |
tileSize | ol.tilegrid.XYZ -> tileSize |
visible | visibility of layer (default: true) |
icons_parent_path | parent path of icons (e.g. icons/), default '' |
Function | Parameters | Return value | Description |
setVisible(visible) | visible: boolean, whether layer should be shown | none | set visibility of the layer |
getVisible() | return true when layer is visible | return visibility of the layer | |
getFeatures() | list of features | returns list of loaded vector features | |
getFeature(id, callback) | id: an OSM ID e.g. 'n1234'; callback: a function which will be called with the feature as paramter (or null, when object does not exist) | feature | Get the specified map feature. If the map feature is not loaded yet, an AJAX request to the single_url will be made to load the map feature. |
getFeaturesInExtent(bbox) | bbox: a ol3 extent | list of features | returns list of vector features which intersect the specified extent. |
featuresAtPixel(pixel) | pixel: an ol3 pixel | list of features | returns list of vector features which are at the specified pixel |