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Gardener Setup Scripts

This is the installation manual for a simple Gardener setup. It is part of the landscape-setup-template project. You can find further information there.


Before getting started make sure you have the following at hand:

  • You need a cloud account with sufficient quota to set up a Kubernetes cluster with a couple of VMs. This project currently supports AWS and Openstack.
  • A Linux machine (virtual machine is fine) or a Mac with basic tools such as a git client and the Docker runtime installed.

Gardener Installation

Follow these steps to install Gardener. Do not proceed to the next step in case of errors.


If you are already familiar with the installation procedure and just want a short summary of the commands you have to use, here it is:

# setup
git clone  --recursive landscape
cd landscape/setup

# optional: certmanager
cd components
./ certmanager

# -------------------------------------------------------------------

# teardown
cd /landscape
k8s/bin/tf destroy -force

Step 1: Clone the Repositories and get Dependencies

Get the landscape-setup-template from GitHub and initialize the submodules:

git clone  --recursive landscape
cd landscape

This repository will contain all passwords and keys for your landscape. You will be in trouble if you loose them so we recommend that you store this landscape configuration in a private repository. It might be a good idea to change the origin so you do not accidentally publish your secrets to the public template repository.

Step 2: Configure the Landscape

There is a landscape_config.yaml file in the landscape project. This is the only file that you need to modify - all other configuration files will be derived from this and the landscape_base.yaml file. The latter one contains the merging instructions as well as technical configurations and it shouldn't be touched unless you know what you are doing.

Step 3: Build and Run Docker Container

First, you need to change into the setup folder:

cd setup

Then run the container:


After this,

  • you will be connected to the container via an interactive shell
  • the landscape folder will be mounted in that container
  • your current working directory will be setup folder
  • setup/ is sourced, meaning
    • the environment variables will be set
    • kubectl will be configured to communicate with your cluster

The script searches for the image locally and pulls it from an image repository, if it isn't found. If pulling the image doesn't work - which will probably be the case if the version in the setup/VERSION file doesn't match a release version of the setup submodule - you can use the script to build the image locally.

Most of the scripts need a landscape.yaml file, that can be generated from a merge of landscape_base.yaml and landscape_config.yaml. The script (which is sourced in the script, see above) will do that automatically, if it doesn't already exist. In case you want to overwrite an existing landscape.yaml file or generate it manually, you can use this script:


Step 4: Create a Kubernetes Cluster via Kubify

You can use this script to run the cluster setup:


The script will wait some time for the cluster to come up and then partly validate that the cluster is ready.

If you get errors during the cluster setup, just try to run the script again.

Once completed the following command should show all deployed pods:

root@c41327633d6d:/landscape# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE       NAME                                                                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system     etcd-operator-75dcfcf4f7-xkm4h                                        1/1       Running   0          6m
kube-system     heapster-c8fb4f746-tvts6                                              2/2       Running   0          2m
kube-system     kube-apiserver-hcdnc                                                  1/1       Running   0          6m

Step 4.5: Workaround (Automated)

There is currently an issue with session affinities in Kubernetes, which can break your cluster. While the problem has been fixed (see, the corresponding Kubernetes version is not yet included in this project.

Until that happens, the workaround is to remove the following lines from the kubernetes service:

  sessionAffinity: ClientIP
      timeoutSeconds: 10800

Kubernetes will add sessionAffinity: None on itself.

This will happen automatically at the end of the script.

Step 5-9: Gardener Setup (Automated)

Steps 5-9 are automated. In case you need more control follow the instructions below for manually running them.


After successful completion, you can either continue with step 10 (optional), or start using the Gardener (see Accessing the Dashboard).

Accessing the Dashboard

After step 9 you will be able to access the Gardener dashboard. This example assumes that your cluster is located at - just replace that part with whatever you put in the clusters.dns.domain_name entry in the landscape_config.yaml file.

The script constructs both URLs from the domain name given in the landscape.yaml file and prints them. It is called automatically at the end of the Gardener deploy script.

First, open Your browser will show a warning regarding untrusted self-signed certificates, you need to ignore that warning. You will then see a nearly blank page with some 404 message. If you skip this step, you will still be able to see the dashboard in the next step, but the login button probably won't work.

Now you can open the dashboard at Here you need to ignore a similar warning again, then you should see the dashboard. You can login using the options you have specified in the identity chart part of the landscape_config.yaml.

Step 5-9: Gardener Setup (Manual)

The commands shown below need to be run from within the components directory of the setup folder:

cd /landscape/setup/components

Step 5: Generate Certificates

These are the self-signed certificates used for the dashboard and identity ingresses (if you are on the internet you can later get letsencrypt issued certificates).

./ cert

Step 6: Deploy tiller

Tiller is needed to deploy Helm charts in order to deploy Gardener and other needed components

./ helm-tiller

Step 7: Deploy Gardener

Now we can deploy Gardener. If the previous steps were executed successfully this should be completed in a couple of seconds.

./ gardener

You might see a couple of messages like these:

Gardener API server not yet reachable. Waiting...

while the script waits for the Gardener to start. Once Gardener is up when the deployment script finished you can verify the correct setup by running the following command:

kubectl get shoots
No resources found. 

As we do not have a seed cluster yet we cannot create any shoot clusters. The Gardener itself is installed in the garden namespace:

kubectl get po -n garden
NAME                                          READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
gardener-apiserver-56cc665667-nvrjl           1/1       Running   0          6m
gardener-controller-manager-5c9f8db55-hfcts   1/1       Running   0          6m

Step 8: Register Garden Cluster as Seed Cluster

In heterogeneous productive environments one would run Gardener and seed in separate clusters but for simplicity and resource consumption reasons we will register the Gardener cluster that we have just created also as the seed cluster. Make sure that the seed_config in the landscape file is correct and matches the region that you are using. Keep in mind that image ids differ between regions as well.

./ seed-config

That's it! If everything went fine you should now be able to create shoot clusters. You can start with a sample manifest and create a shoot cluster by standard Kubernetes means:

kubectl apply -f shoot-aws.yaml

Step 9: Install Identity and Dashboard

Creating clusters based on a shoot manifest is quite nice but also a little complex. While almost all aspects of a shoot cluster can be configured it can be quite difficult for beginners, so go on and install the dashboard:

./ identity
./ dashboard

Now you should be able to open the "Gardener" dashboard and start creating shoot clusters.

Step 10: Apply Valid Certificates (optional)

Ensure that you are in the components directory for installing the certmanager:

cd /landscape/setup/components

Using the Gardener Dashboard with self-signed certificates is awkward and some browsers even prevent you from accessing it altogether.

The following command will install the cert-manager and request valid letsencrypt certificates for both the identity and dashboard ingresses:

./ certmanager

After one to two minutes valid certificates should be installed.

Letsencrypt limits how many certificates you can get for the same host within a short time. To avoid hitting these limits, you can use the letsencrypt staging server for testing, which has a significantly higher rate limit but produces untrusted certificates.
To use the staging server, change the URL in components/certmanager/cert-manager-issuer.yaml.tmpl to

Tearing Down the Landscape

Make sure that you delete all shoot clusters prior to tearing down the cluster created by Kubify (either by deleting them in the Gardener dashboard or by using the kubectl command). The following command should not return any shoot clusters:

kubectl get shoots --all-namespaces
No resources found.

There is a delete-shoot script in order to delete shoot clusters.

Next run terraform in order to delete the cluster:

cd /landscape
k8s/bin/tf destroy
Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 170 to destroy.

Do you really want to destroy?
  Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
  There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

  Enter a value:

Enter yes when you are sure that you want to delete the cluster.


If you have created and destroyed a cluster and want to restart it, there are some files you have to delete to clean up the directory.

ATTENTION: Only do this if you are sure the cluster has been completely destroyed! Since this removes the terraform state, an automated deletion of resources won't be possible anymore - you will have to clean up any leftovers manually.


This will reset your landscape folder to its initial state.

The script takes an optional "-y" argument to skip the confirmation.


Scripts for setting up a Gardener landscape







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  • Shell 82.9%
  • Python 14.2%
  • Dockerfile 2.9%