This repository imeplements the standard Ploigos CI/CD workflows using Github Actions. Each standard workflow is impelemented as a GitHub Actions reusable workflow. For more information about Ploigos, see the Ploigos documentation.
- Create a psr.yaml file in your application repository and supply all needed values.
- Copy example psr.yaml to your application repository's root directory and update values according to your application. At minimum, the following fields should be updated -
--- step-runner-config: global-defaults: organization: ploigos #REPLACE THIS VALUE service-name: petclinic #REPLACE THIS VALUE application-name: petclinic #REPLACE THIS VALUE generate-metadata: - implementer: Maven - implementer: Git - implementer: SemanticVersion package: - implementer: MavenPackage create-container-image: - implementer: Buildah push-container-image: - implementer: Skopeo config: destination-url: #REPLACE THIS VALUE container-image-push-repository: ploigos/spring-petclinic #REPLACE THIS VALUE deploy: - implementer: ArgoCDDeploy config: argocd-api: argocd-server.devsecops.svc.cluster.local #REPLACE THIS VALUE argocd-skip-tls: True deployment-config-repo: #REPLACE THIS VALUE deployment-config-helm-chart-path: charts/spring-petclinic-deploy #REPLACE THIS VALUE deployment-config-helm-chart-values-file-image-tag-yq-path: 'image.tag' git-email: '' #REPLACE THIS VALUE argocd-sync-timeout-seconds: 130 force-push-tags: true environment-config: DEV: deployment-config-helm-chart-environment-values-file: values-DEV.yaml TEST: deployment-config-helm-chart-environment-values-file: values-TEST.yaml report: - implementer: ResultArtifactsArchive config: results-archive-destination-url: #REPLACE THIS VALUE
- Copy example psr.yaml to your application repository's root directory and update values according to your application. At minimum, the following fields should be updated -
- Add a psr-secrets.yml file that houses all of your secret values. As an example, the spring-petclinic app uses the psr-secrets.yml file within our github-runner helm chart here. It's being provided secrets from a Hashicorp Vault server using the External Secrets operator. Below is an example of the rendered kubernetes secret which then is mounted into the github runner pod -
step-runner-config: config-decryptors: - implementer: ObfuscationDefaults global-defaults: container-registries: <registry0-url>: username: <your-username> password: <your-password> <registry1-url>: username: <your-username> password: <your-password> deploy: - implementer: ArgoCDDeploy config: argocd-username: <your-username> argocd-password: <your-password> git-username: <your-username> git-password: <your-password> report: - implementer: ResultArtifactsArchive config: results-archive-destination-username: <your-username> results-archive-destination-password: <your-password>
- Add a Containerfile instruction to your application repository and supply all needed values.
- Copy example Containerfile to your application repository's root directory and update values according to your application.
- Create a GitOps repo that houses a helm chart to deploy your containerized application.
- Example GitOps Repo -
- Create a Github workflow to reference the minimal pipeline within this repository.
- Copy example main.yaml to your application repository's .github/workflows/ directory and update values according to your application. At minimum, the following fields should be updated -
--- name: spring-petclinic #REPLACE THIS VALUE on: schedule: - cron: '0 0 * * *' # every night at 12:00AM UTC push: pull_request_target: types: - opened - edited - synchronize workflow_dispatch: permissions: pull-requests: write jobs: minimal: uses: ploigos/ploigos-github-workflows/.github/workflows/minimal.yaml@main secrets: inherit
- Copy example main.yaml to your application repository's .github/workflows/ directory and update values according to your application. At minimum, the following fields should be updated -
Once the above steps are complete, this will trigger a workflow run based on the Ploigos CI/CD Workflow. For more detailed information about the workflow, please refer to the CI/CD Workflow.