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Siarhei P edited this page Dec 19, 2024 · 12 revisions

Final assessment

  1. Without final project you can get only 6.9 points - it will be not enough to get certificate, even if you have more then 75% successful passed homework.
  2. You should have 75% passed homework to get access for project show
  3. If you have success in project presentation, your percentage of passed homework will be converted to the points: Example:
10% = 1 
15% = 1.5 ~ 2

(be rounded by the rule of mathematical rounding) 4. You can get + 0.5 or +1 point to your converted percent of passed homework, depends on successful of project presentation. Example:

83% passed = 8.3
0.5 project 


8.3 + 0,5 = 8.8 ~ 9 

How to prepare Home work

To submit you home work for review, you need to prepare PR by following below steps:

  1. Create fork from the main repository

NOTE: please uncheck this checkbox: image

  1. Clone forked repository to your workstation (git clone or git clone

  2. Checkout to branch group branch git checkout <YOUR_GROUP_BRANCH>

  3. Create folder with your Name_LastName (example: name can be Siarhei_Pishchyk). This folder will contain your report's folders and files

  4. Inside your personal folder, create folder with name of your home work (Example: 02.Git.Local)

  5. Make your home work there, or add files, include report in githubmarkdown formatting. Final path can be /Siarhei_Pishchyk/02.Git.Local/

  6. OPTIONAL: Rebase your fork/branch with main fork/branch (how-to demo here and here) from time to time. Or use embedded github features: image

  7. Make commit(s) and push

  8. On WebUI (github) make PR (Pull Request) into main fork and branch <YOUR_GROUP_BRANCH> from your fork and your <YOR_GROUP_BRANCH>

  9. Wait for review

  • (Additional task) - is optional tasks, you can ignore them