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Open-source web application to keep track of all data processing activities prefigured by GDPR Article 30 "Records of processing activities".


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GDPR Registry Web App

Welcome to the official repository of the GDPR Registry Web App, developed by Pluribus One. This app is part of a comprehensive effort by Pluribus One to help organizations to achieve General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance. More information can be found on the official website


To manage the whole GDPR process, you need a central point where information about GDPR procedures are stored and can be updated on a regular basis by dedicated personnel, including your Data Protection Officer.

This central place is of fundamental importance to keep track of your current compliance status, identify issues and mitigate them. And this is exactly the role of the so-called Registry of Data Processing Activities, described in the GDPR Article 30 "Records of processing activities". It can also demonstrate that GDPR is a continuous process that has become an integral part of your business.

This is a key step towards an enhanced security posture.

The Pluribus One GDPR Registry app allows you to keep track of all data processing activities according to a hierarchical structure and the various GDPR stages highlighted in our website.

Key Features

  • Open Source: You may freely use and modify it according to our licence.
  • Sound framework and suggestion mechanisms: We implemented the Registry App exploiting to our expertise in the field of cybersecurity, and a thorough study of GDPR (which nowadays, it is essentially a cybersecurity problem) to build a comprehensive framework. As you fill in the registry, the app can suggest you how to proceed. We have inserted some useful suggestions that come from our GDPR framework and expertise.
  • Report Generation: You can generate, anytime, an updated, high-quality PDF report with all your data registry. This is a very useful feature especially if you organization is under investigation by GDPR supervisory authorities.
  • Multi-language: Full translation support thanks to the Django framework. Currently, the interface is available in English and Italian language.
  • GDPR technology and services: If you need, Pluribus One offers advanced technology and services around GDPR, to help your organization to achieve GDPR compliance.


You can see a live demo of our application @ Please note that the demo app has some limitation with respect the original one:

  • is locked: does not allow any modification for security reasons. Anyway you can navigate and build a PDF report for the "Acme Inc." organization.
  • embeds predefined lists in english language only.
  • does not show login accesses in the dashboard for privacy reasons (the access controll app has been removed from the dashboard).

That is, Security & Privacy are important for us.

Demo Credentials

  • Username: gdpr
  • Password: pluribusone


The app can be installed in virtually any modern operating system. It is implemented in Python, using the Django Framework. The easiest way is to import our preconfigured virtual machine based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64. We also provide manual installation instructions for all tested platforms (currently, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64).

Pre-configured virtual machine

For your convenience, we have built a preconfigured virtual applicance with the GDPR registry app, based on Ubuntu 20.04.

Click here to download the OVA file

MD5 (GDPR-Registry-VM.ova) = 24de7c6c222feffb88d0e2dfc94747c6

You can import the OVA file into VirtualBox and run the appliance. Then, connect your browser to the IP address assigned to the machine (it uses DHCP by default). You may need to put the related network interface into bridge mode OR NAT mode (in this case, you need to setup a NAT rule). Please note that the virtual appliance may contain an outdated version of the app, to update it please follow the instructions described in Section Updates.

Default Credentials (Operating System)

  • Username: gdpr
  • Password: gdpr

The gdpr user is sudoer.

Default Credentials (Login Interface - via Browser)

  • Username: gdpr
  • Password: pluribusone

HTTPS Interface

You should be able to connect to the HTTPS interface @ the IP address assigned to the network interface (e.g.,

Production Use

Please note that the provided virtual appliance is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. It is not ready for production, especially if you plan to host your appliance with a public IP address. To this end, you may need to:

  • setup a static IP
  • harden the server configuration (e.g., with strong HTTPS chiphers, see the Hardening section at the end)
  • install a let's encrypt certificate for your domain (see the Let's Encrypt section)
  • properly setup a firewall to enable only HTTP/HTTPS traffic
  • reset the database/secret key. A new secret key will be automatically generated (randomly).

To reset the database/secret key, from a shell inside /home/gdpr/ you may run:

sudo chown -R gdpr:gdpr gdpr-registry-app
source python-venv/bin/activate
cd gdpr-registry-app
rm secret.txt
rm db.sqlite3
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python populate
cd ..
sudo chown -R www-data:gdpr gdpr-registry-app
sudo service apache2 restart

When running python populate you may choose to populate the database with predefined lists in

  • italian (
  • english (list.en.json)

depending on your target language.

Manual installation: Ubuntu (tested version: server x64, 20.04 LTS)

Base Installation

The base installation can be used for testing purposes, as it runs the interface locally @ Open a shell and insert the following instructions (let's assume we created a gdpr user and we open a shell in its home: /home/gdpr):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git python3-pip virtualenv
git clone
virtualenv -p python3 python-venv
source python-venv/bin/activate
cd gdpr-registry-app
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations axes audit jet dashboard
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python populate
python collectstatic
python runserver

Now you can go to: with your browser. To log in use the (superuser) credentials previously created while executing python createsuperuser.

Apache web server

In order to make your gdpr registry app available to other machines, you may use the Apache web server. Open a shell inside /home/gdpr and digit:

sudo apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
sudo chown -R www-data:gdpr gdpr-registry-app
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo a2enmod headers
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo systemctl restart apache2

SSL Certificate

In order to protect your data in transit you need to setup a HTTPS certificate. You may choose to either

  • (a) generate a self-signed certificate OR
  • (b) install a certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority (suggested option).
(a) Self-signed

You may use a self-signed certificate if your app is running on a private network. In this case, however, your browser will probably raise an alert (and you may need to add an exception), because the certificate has not been signed by a trusted certificate authority.

To create a self-signed certificate and update the apache configuration, open a shell and run the following code (inside the /home/gdpr/gdpr-registry-app folder)

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/apache-selfsigned.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/apache-selfsigned.crt
sudo cp sample.apache.https.conf sample.apache.http.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
sudo a2ensite sample.apache.https
sudo a2ensite sample.apache.http
sudo a2dissite 000-default
sudo service apache2 restart
(b) Let's Encrypt

Let's Encrypt is a public Certificate Authority that provides free HTTPS certificates for any publicly available domain name.

  • Install the Apache web server as described in previous section
  • Your machine needs a public IP address reachable at TCP port 80 (HTTP)
  • Create a DNS entry for your domain that resolves to the above-mentioned public IP address

Open a shell and insert the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt install python-certbot-apache
sudo certbot --apache -d

Hardening. To harden your server configuration you may consider to run

sudo cp /etc/apache2/conf-available/
sudo a2enconf


You can update your installation anytime to the latest version using the following commands (open a shell in the installation folder: /home/gdpr/gdpr-registry-app):

git pull
python makemigrations axes audit jet dashboard
python migrate
python populate
python collectstatic


Please report all issues in the appropriate section of this repository