Quickly close multiple buffers.
The plugin exposes a single function, BufClean()
, which can be bound to a mapping. When invoked it opens a window at the bottom of Vim presenting a list of all open buffers by filename, with full path to the right and a buffer ID to the left. A >>
to the left of a buffer name indicates that buffer has been selected by the user. e.g., something like:
1 BufferNotSelected.h
2 >> BufferSelected.cpp
3 AlsoNotSelected.cpp
[1-9a-z] Toggle Buffer [A] Select All [Q] Select None [Enter] Close Selected [Tab] Close Unselected [Esc] Exit
With the window open, the following key bindings can be used:
- 1-9, a-z : toggle selection of buffer by ID
- Shift-A : select all buffers
- Shift-Q : deselect all buffers
- Enter : Close all selected buffers and exit
- Tab : Close all unselected buffers and exit
- Esc : exit
I typically open the window, press A
to select all, deselect a couple of buffers I want to remain open, and press Enter
to close the rest along with the window itself.
The window will not display hidden or modified buffers, nor more than 36 buffers.
A mapping like the following is useful for quickly invoking the plugin. The noequalalways option prevents the plugin's window from occupying more screen space than it needs to.
" allow window to occupy minimal height
set noequalalways
nnoremap <leader>bd :call BufClean()<cr>