* Version 1.1
This NVML release introduces a new version of libpmemobj pool layout.
Internal undo log structure has been modified to improve performance
of pmemobj transactions. Memory pools created with older versions
of the libpmemobj library must be converted to the new format using
"pmempool convert" command. See pmempool-convert(1) for details.
A new "libpmempool" library is available, providing support for
off-line pool management and diagnostics. Initially it provides only
"check" and "repair" operations for log and blk memory pools, and for
BTT devices.
Other changes:
- pmem: deprecate PCOMMIT
- blk: match BTT Flog initialization with Linux NVDIMM BTT
- pmem: defer pmem_is_pmem() initialization (#158)
- obj: add TOID_TYPEOF macro
Bug fixes:
- doc: update description of valid file size units (#133)
- pmempool: fix --version short option in man page (#135)
- pmempool: print usage when running rm without arg (#136)
- cpp: clarify polymorphism in persistent_ptr (#150)
- obj: let the before flag be any non-zero value (#151)
- obj: fix compare array pptr to nullptr (#152)
- obj: cpp pool.get_root() fix (#156)
- log/blk: set errno if replica section is specified (#161)
- cpp: change exception message (#163)
- doc: remove duplicated words in man page (#164)
- common: always append EXTRA_CFLAGS after our CFLAGS
Experimental features:
- Implementation of C++ bindings for libpmempobj is complete.
Web-based documentation for C++ API is available on http://pmem.io.
Note that C++ API is still considered experimental. Do not use it
in production environments.
- Porting NVML to Windows is in progress. There are MS Visual Studio
solution/projects available, allowing to compile libpmem, libpmemlog,
libpmemblk and libpmemobj on Windows, but the libraries are not fully
functional and most of the test are not enabled yet.