Simple equation parsing
use RR\Shunt\Parser;
$equation = '3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3';
$result = Parser::parse($equation);
echo $result; //3.0001220703125
Equation with constants and functions
use RR\Shunt\Parser;
use RR\Shunt\Context;
$ctx = new Context();
$ctx->def('abs'); // wrapper for PHP "abs" function
$ctx->def('foo', 5); // constant "foo" with value "5"
$ctx->def('bar', function($a, $b) { return $a * $b; }); // define function
$equation = '3 + bar(4, 2) / (abs(-1) - foo) ^ 2 ^ 3';
$result = Parser::parse($equation, $ctx);
echo $result; //3.0001220703125
Test a condition
use RR\Shunt\Parser;
use RR\Shunt\Context;
$ctx = new Context();
$ctx->def('foo', 5); // constant "foo" with value "5"
$equation = '(foo > 3) & (foo < 6)';
$result = Parser::parse($equation, $ctx);
echo $result; //true
Re-run parsed expression on multiple inputs
use RR\Shunt\Parser;
use RR\Shunt\Context;
$counter = 1;
$ctx = new Context();
$ctx->def('data', function() { global $counter; return $counter++; }); // define function
$ctx->def('bar', function($a) { return 2*$a; }); // define function
$equation = 'bar(data())';
$parser = new Parser(new Scanner($equation));
$result = $parser->reduce($this->ctx); // first result
echo $result; // 2
$result = $parser->reduce($this->ctx); // second result
echo $result; // 4
Define the following requirement in your composer.json file:
"require": {
"andig/php-shunting-yard": "dev-master"
Originally source code taken from, some changes from:
Test cases and refactoring for composer/packagist by