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Meeting 2019 03 29

Josh Hursey edited this page May 9, 2019 · 3 revisions
        Josh Hursey (IBM)
	Kathryn Mohror (LLNL)
	Swaroop Pophale (ORNL)
	Shinji Sumimoto (Fujitsu)
	Jim Garlick (LLNL)
	Barry Rountree (LLNL)
	Thomas Naughton (ORNL)
	Geoffroy Vallee (Sylabs)
	Aurelien Bouteiller (UTK)
	Tom Scogland (LLNL)
	Stephen Herbein (LLNL)
	David Solt (IBM)
	Ken Raffenetti (ANL)


  • Proposal to create a 'pmix-forum' mailing list for discussion on PMIx standard
    • Goal to make sure the conversation is easily separate: standard vs implementations
      • Proposal to create a wiki page for defining use cases
    • New use cases
    • Existing use cases for PMI, PMI-2, PMIx
    • What kind of use cases? All kinds, the obvious wire-up but also dynamic process use cases, I/O, new ones we haven’t thought of
    • What would the use cases look like? High level descriptions? Code?
      • Code fragments might be useful, but test cases might be useful too
      • Do we want a separate repo for the test cases? That implementations could test against? Possibly, that could be useful
      • Another option could be a directory in the document repository,e.g. “Tests”
    • What is our goal right now for the use cases? To get a working list of example use cases to work from
    • We could activate the PMIx standard repo wiki and use that
  • Proposal to push discussion of any name change to the standard to a fixed later date
    • Let’s see if we can make progress first and see where things stand in a couple/few months, how far can we get?
    • Should we put a fixed time on it? What should that time be? At the next face to face?
    • Mid to late June is the decision - Target June 14, 2019
  • Suggestions for next face-to-face meeting:
  • Volunteer for initial PMIx standard working groups
    • Implementation agnostic document
      • David Solt volunteers to organize
      • Interested folks: Barry, Kathryn, Josh, just join the group
    • Defining Slices/Groups of functionality
      • Stephen to help kick it off
      • Interested folks: Josh, Barry, Kathryn
    • All other specific topic working groups
      • Don’t want to have too many groups initially. So let working groups grow from existing discussion.
      • Wire protocol discussion will fall into the implementation agnostic document working group
    • Mailing list is good for general discussion, but should try to associate specific topics (action items) to GitHub Issues on the pmix-standard repo.
      • The GitHub Issue preserves discussion.
  • Outreach: Who is missing from this meeting that should be involved?
    • Keep this as a recurring topic on the agenda
    • Josh/Kathryn can help make contact
  • Discuss PMIx standardization process
    • Previous process for PMIx is documented here:
    • How should we adopt/adapt this process for our effort? Can we learn from other standards bodies? Specification bodies?
    • OpenMP every modification has an issue accessible to whole group, discussed in at least one subgroup meeting, discussed in one “language” meeting (all members), then must pass two votes. At time of vote 1, must have all concepts clearly defined, at time of vote 2 full text must be available, minimum time length allowed between the two votes (week?). Small fixes allowed at time of second vote (e.g. grammar fixes), more major fixes require a delay in the second vote
      • No hard and fast implementation requirement, sometimes an issue is a clarification or correction and does not require an implementation
      • Rule of thumb is to have agreement from ~3 implementers that the change will work as advertised
      • Voting is majority of folks on the call, second vote is at least technically the same but if many are against, it is seen as a problem (first and second votes are like straw votes)
      • Architecture Review Board (people pay in to get a vote) to have a vote on the whole document (for release of major version), membership restricted by paying dues and attendance
    • OpenSHM
      • Virtual meetings are as binding as f2f meetings for voting requirements

Action Items

  • (Josh) Create pmix-forum mailing list
    • Send an invitation to everyone on the hpc-runtime-wg (and new pmix members)
  • (Josh) Activate the wiki on the pmix-standard for use cases and notes collection
  • (David) Kick off implementation agnostic group
  • (Stephen) Kick off slicing/grouping group
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